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The dreaded work capability assessment

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your comments are unfair. You do not know what else the person has been through, to create the mental health issues.


One in four of us will have to live with having some form of mental illness in our lifetime. that's a hell of a lot of us. None of us knows what tomorrow may bring.


I bumped into my ex-husband a couple of weeks ago, and learnt that he has just had another nervous breakdown. ( the second since our divorce , 12 years ago)


I did not expect to need a pacemaker aged just 46, or to have angina and coronary artery disease.


The late Christopher Reeve did not get up that morning, expecting to be thrown from his horse, and breaking his neck, resulting in Quadriplegia.


There but for the Grace of God go all of us. There are many things this Government is doing that I support, however their treatment of the disabled and vulnerable, including the closure of Remploy, is the thing that will ensure I never vote for the Conservatives or Lib Dems.

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Dont give in to these bully's thats all they are at the end of the day remember we vote in MPs we can vote them out to. You do have the right to appeal yes it's stress and upsetting killing yourself not the answer. Why? because they have won and save money though your death thats what they hope for. ' The Cerdit Crunch' is not the disabled peoples's fault or anyones elses only the bankers who have got away with it. I hate this sham government who serve the rich and make the poor suffer for there mistakes. When you go for your Atos medical you can take someone with you its your right and they can write down whats been said as it goes on and record the medical and at the end of it ask for a copy of your medical. No doubt Atos will say you can't do this you can and someone on this Forum will thats not right but it is. But don't be frighted by theses thugs. :)

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Sorry but 2 things...

1, what is atos??

2, Suicide is a cowards way out,IMO, I have suffered the loss of a close relative through suicide and in no way, shape or form is this, for me, the easy way out, it's a cowards way out, unable mentally or physically to face the challenges ahead and bail out.

It's easy for them and them alone, For everyone else, like their mum n dad, like 3 kids, a wife, 2 brothers, 3 sisters and countless nieces and nephews who have to pick up the pieces, what should they do, give up and join em???

No, it's a coward who chooses this option.

If you have food in your belly, a warm bed to sleep in and clean clothes on your back whats the problem??

They can't take what you haven't got.


agree completely

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i am not siding with the government (heaven forbid) but i do know without any dough't that faking mental illness is the biggest fraudulent claims for DLA etc, and yes i do mean i know this. Please dont ask me how i know it wont be answered.


But yes there are people that are very seriously ill with mental illness and for people to come out with comments like man up and the like, are as for away from knowing any thing about mental illness as you can be.

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dont want to go off topic but ime an engineer 1 thou = 25.4 microns WOW what machine was that

STRAUSAK FLEXIMAT and ROlLOMATIC they are/where used for producing engiineers cutting tools and even parts for watches or clocks a micron is 100th of a millimetre I ground tools with 3 flutes and a diameter of 1 millimetre

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It strikes me as odd that the government is trying to force disabled people into the job market, when there's no jobs for the able bodied who want to work. Divide and rule, that's all it is.


Only the nieve and stupid believe that it's ever been about getting disabled people into work.


It's a cost-cutting exercise pure and simple. The Govt know there aren't enough jobs to go around and that the disabled are even less likely to find a job than the abled bodied.




Paying them JSA @ £70 a week is MUCH cheaper than paying them disability benefit.


The ATOS assessment has already been declared by many doctors (real ones not ATOS ones) as unfit for purpose yet the Govt refuse to listen to that.


I agree that there are those faking it and there is a need to weed these out but the ATOS test is collecting far too many innocent victims.


A better way would be to offer £200 as reward for people to inform the DWP of fakers, paid when it's investigated and found to be true.

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This thread appears to have got very off-topic. The OP asked for people's experiences of ATOS face to face assessments, not people's ill-informed and ignorant opinions on who is entitled to receive benefits.


To the OP - I suggest you look in the Disability interest group on here, as you are more likely to get considered responses from people who have actually experienced the ATOS assessment. I have not, although I have heard some interesting tips - one of which is to ask for your assessment to be recorded - they are legally obliged to do this if you request it, and it may help with appeals and so on.

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Yeah, so mentally you are not suitable for work????

Sorry but it doesn't wash with me,

Simple as that, I don't understand 'mental' illness, you were ok for 30 years and now you can't handle it??

30 years ago the word stressed wasn't heard of, it was just ...sacked.


Sorry again mate, i just don't agree with it...Man up.

thats my opinion.


simple as that ? you dont understand mental illness ? then you shouldnt comment on it

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My employer uses ATOS, I have problems with my knees so a couple of years ago was referred to them for an examination. Basically the woman didn't seem to have clue what she was doing, then a couple of weeks later I received a letter giving me a date to start physiotherapy for.....


wait for it.........




My back problem. :huh:



Not only that, but the condition I have with my knees doesn't respond to physio anyway and I told them that at the time.

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This thread appears to have got very off-topic. The OP asked for people's experiences of ATOS face to face assessments, not people's ill-informed and ignorant opinions on who is entitled to receive benefits.


To the OP - I suggest you look in the Disability interest group on here, as you are more likely to get considered responses from people who have actually experienced the ATOS assessment. I have not, although I have heard some interesting tips - one of which is to ask for your assessment to be recorded - they are legally obliged to do this if you request it, and it may help with appeals and so on.


thank you, lets hope the thread gets back on track

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