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The dreaded work capability assessment

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A freind of mine as had a face to face interview and now 8 weeks later they rang to arrange a time for them to ring bk with the deccision as anyonyone else had call back dont hhey send letters no more


Yes, the same thing happened to a friend of mine. A phone call to inform him of the results of his interview, in which he gained no points. He asked them to put everything in writing so that he could appeal. They should be putting things in writing anyway which should takes an extra 14 days to process after the phone call. So I don't know why they bother with the phone call, just an unnecessary waste of time and money.


Once you appeal and the DWP receive your appeal notification you do not have to sign on for any other benefit like JSA or ESA. However, whilst going through the appeal, which could take 6-8 months, your money will drop to £70.00 a week.

Another friend of mine made the mistake of appealing AND signing on for JSA, as he didn't know he would automatically receive £70.00 a week whilst appealing. (They don't tell you that when you get your medical results).

Because my friend signed on for JSA whilst appealing, the DWP took £10.00 away from his JSA, until he heard the outcome of his appeal. He only receives £60.00 per week JSA.

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Just bcause a person is at a computer for maybe 15 mins of a day does not make a person fit to work or not.

You do not know how the rest of their day is spent,

it could be coughing up blood, having fits, being in bed exhausted, gasping for breath and would some people please realise some conditions that people have, have been caused by work.

And as for mental illness stop assuming that everyone suffers from stress, there are other conditions that are well documented.

The ATOS WCA is a farce and is not a medical in any sense of the word I am still pondering what a midwife was doing assessing me as I am definitely not having a baby.

that would indeed be a miracle.

Am still looking for that job that involves moving empty cardboxes about, anyone know where it is.

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A freind of mine as had a face to face interview and now 8 weeks later they rang to arrange a time for them to ring bk with the deccision as anyonyone else had call back dont hhey send letters no more


This is why I would always advise not providing a phone number, in another note everyone is allowed to have their interview recorded, however there are only 11 recording machines nationwide (working) in the past 12 months only 293 interviews have been recorded. ATOS are liars, proved again and again, sign epetition 28740 and make a differnce. Stand up for the disabled, and fight atos, the mask of the conservative government

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