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The dreaded work capability assessment

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Many people in wheelchairs actually do work, which would strongly suggest that at least some of them are employable...


I know some who do very happily, but everyone's circumstances are different.


Don't forget it's not just the workplace itself, and these vary enormously, but the ability to get there under their own steam. This can cause tremendous problems, again depending on circumstances.

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after watching the programmes

one woman was found fit to work

she could not pull her knickers up or down to go to the toilet as

her husband did this for her

she was found fit for work

who the hell would employ her

is she is supposed take her husband to work with her or be assigned a carer

unforunately having disabilities means you have buy certain aids to make your life workable

oh i know we can all go to work and move empty cardboxes about when they find the place that does this whopee

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My Proposals for changes to ESA.


Ideally Atos healthcare should be stopped from doing medical reports, and disability can’t be overlooked. If ATOS have to carry on doing medical reports, these recommendation’s need to be implemented.


ATOS must ask a person’s GP for evidence of a person’s disability. They must also ask could a medical be dangerous to a person’s well-l being (mental health, or physical health.)



Tribunals are taking too long, if a tribunal is not heard within six months, people should be reinstated on full benefits, saving a detrimental effect on people’s well-being.



All claimants should be informed that their interview can be recorded if they so wish.



There should be an independent body, where ATOS staff can be asked about questionable medical reports.



No medical centre should be at no less than two hundred metres away, from where a car is permitted to drop a person off. All centres, should have disabled access for wheelchairs.

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Whilst the whole system is flawed, it would seem that an element is missing that I haven't heard mentioned.



Assessment: Unable to Work/Limited Ability to Work/Able to Work


Those with Limited Ability to Work would be those with disabilities that mean that many jobs would not be suitable for them.


The Job Centre would then have a time period (maybe up to 24 months) within which they can then confirm that there is virtually no chance of them ever finding suitable employment for that individual.

They would then become eligible for an new type of allowance.


Wouldn't that be better?

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What happens if a person is considered fit to work and has to go on JSA, but then can't make it to sign on because they are too ill or can't get there because they have no one to take them, are their benefits are stopped?


Seems a bit like catch 22 to me.

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now here we have the catch to sign on you are declaring that you are fit and able to do a full time job

some disabled people would only be able to do part time so they would not qualify for JSA and would be refused signing on by job centre staff

its all smoke and mirrors

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after watching the programmes

one woman was found fit to work

she could not pull her knickers up or down to go to the toilet as

her husband did this for her

she was found fit for work

who the hell would employ her

is she is supposed take her husband to work with her or be assigned a carer

unforunately having disabilities means you have buy certain aids to make your life workable

oh i know we can all go to work and move empty cardboxes about when they find the place that does this whopee


This is one of my problems. Dressing and undressing, including for toilet breaks during the day, are really hard on a good day and impossible on a bad day. Anybody employing me would have to make provision for someone to be available at several points during the day for toilet breaks- and as far as I'm concerned that is not a responsibility to foist on to a co-worker (either for my dignity or for theirs).


I may be able to stay awake for a whole day some days, but I can't guarantee it and when I need to sleep I don't get much warning and I sleep for a couple of hours- and that happens at least 5 days a week at the moment.


Assuming I'm doing some sort of office job, I'll also need a recliner and laptop to work from, as I am unable to sit up in an office chair for more than half an hour or so without starting to lose the feeling in my feet.


Can you see any employer actually wanting to employ someone who needs that amount of assistance?


Oh- and I can't move cardboard boxes around, full or empty. I can't bend for them and I struggle to move anything which needs to be moved by being held between 2 hands because I can't lift one arm up or support weights on that arm. That means I'd also need an extra someone to move the boxes for me- would it not make more sense to employ the person who's helping me to do the job instead?

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Atos has just been awarded two contracts worth a total of £400M to run the PIP(replacing DLA), The third contract has been awarded to Capita - for Wales and parts of central England.


The security company G4S is apparantly in line for this contract for Northern Ireland. It may also win the national trial of the PIP benefits, with both contracts worth an estimated £200M


The awarding of these kind of contracts is part of the neoliberal democracy in a nutshell: we have trivial debates over minor issues by all the political Lib Lab Con parties which are basically basically pursuing the same pro-business policies regardless of formal differences and campaign debate.


So Democracy is permissible as long as the control of business is off-limits to popular deliberation or change; i.e., so long as it isn't democracy


This coalition government's social agenda is that public services in the areas of welfare and social care, merely 'crowd out' the voluntary, charitable and familial provision of support for those in need of various types of assistance, as well as undermining innate 'self reliance'.


I can see that if the trend towards increasing involuntary unemployment and underemployment continues, together with increasingly threadbare welfare policies that assume that vacancies are plentiful – compounded by government insistence that only poor skills, poor motivation and worker's 'inflexibility' is the key cause of unemployment - the outcome will inevitably be increasing hardship and, potentially, social unrest.


There are , for just a start, millions of search results that can be viewed on the growing awareness of the need to challenge, revoke and evolve a new political landscape capable of challenging this inhuman unsustainable ideology.


So we need to bat away these flies that reduce people's attempts in the posts to understand the implications of these policies, to just whinging benefit scroungers

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