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Olympics opening ceremony multicultural poop tweets Tory MP

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I thought there were far too many non whites.

They were way way WAY out of proportion to the population.

Im glad someone else noticed it too.

It dosent make him racist though.


Why would anyone even notice something like that. Does it even matter ??


There really are some very sad little individuals around and judging by this forum, Sheffield has more than its fair share !!!

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Disasterous Dave Cameron doing a good job? Yeah right, it looks like it doesn't it? You can't persaude public opinion by bombarding them every 5 minutes. And as for Burely, well, some people will say and do anything to draw attention to themselves ... and that just about sums up this shower of a government.


Leave the government aside, I was talking about his handling of the Olympics. Love him or hate him he's fiercely patriotic and is always bursting with pride and enthusiasm where our sport is involved.

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No. Its far more likely that a special effort was made to show how diverse and not racist we are as a country.


But we are diverse and not racist as a country. That is how we are. We're inclusive, one of the most tolerant societies on the planet. It was right to celebrate that. I'm very proud we did.

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Ok so what did I watch last night then? I saw a ceremony which managed to encapsulate everything essentially British from our history to our famed eccentricity.

I saw a celebration that reminded the world just how much in the way of invention and innovation is owed to Britons.

I saw a potted history of Great Britain accompanied by words and music we can be proud of.

I saw an entertainment spectacle to be proud of which whilst celebrating our heritage also acknowledged our multiculturalism and our hopes for the future.

Well done to Danny Boyle and everyone who was involved in it.


:clap::clap::clap::clap: It even made an old cynic like me proud to be British.

[i hope the NHS part was noted by Cameron, 'cos if he wants a fight.......]

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What a lot of rubbish. The majority of people viewing last nights spectacle will have seen it for what it was...a magnificent production showcasing a wonderful diverse country. There will only be a minority who even noticed the proportion of whites to non whites and the 'non whites' are British too...a lot of them third fourth or fifth generation.

As for making us look like a third world country I doubt a third world country could have produced such a ceremony....it was the British in all their creeds and colours showing that Britain is a country to be proud of.


Well said :)

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What a lot of rubbish. The majority of people viewing last nights spectacle will have seen it for what it was...a magnificent production showcasing a wonderful diverse country. There will only be a minority who even noticed the proportion of whites to non whites and the 'non whites' are British too...a lot of them third fourth or fifth generation.

As for making us look like a third world country I doubt a third world country could have produced such a ceremony....it was the British in all their creeds and colours showing that Britain is a country to be proud of.


I dont know.

Most 3rd word countries can afford copious amounts of guns and bombs whilst their people starve so its not beyond the realms of possibility that they could afford a fancy party.

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I dont know.

Most 3rd word countries can afford copious amounts of guns and bombs whilst their people starve so its not beyond the realms of possibility that they could afford a fancy party.



I don't know, having made a silly comment to start with you're now showing what sad, bitter individual you are in what was seen by most as a wonderful and joyful occasion, celebrating Great Britain. Get a life!

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I thought the parts I watched were at least visually very impressive. It was evident that they had paid very special attention to having an equal makeup of races in the ceremony but I guess that's to be expected. At times it did seem patronising and forced though. Like the music montage which seemed to go black/white/black/white. Surely a better way to show our multiculturalism is to allow it to flow naturally. I doubt non-white people would have felt under represented considering the cultural makeup of London anyway.


There are two gripes I have though. Firstly the whole mobile phone, digital revolution was embarassing. The entire developed world has gone through the same thing, it's not in any way British. Plus, how is having a young boy sat on a step oblivious to anything around him apart from his handheld gaming system something to be culturally proud of?


Secondly the Bond bit was very poorly planned. Evidently they hadn't considered that it would be dark by this point and had filmed it in the middle of the day making the helicopter scene and the parachute scene stitch together like a poor fitting jumper.

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I dont know.

Most 3rd word countries can afford copious amounts of guns and bombs whilst their people starve so its not beyond the realms of possibility that they could afford a fancy party.


I feel quite sorry for you. Yes there are inequalities and injustices all over the world. Yes there are corrupt governments and regimes who are perpetrating these inequalities and injustices. The olympics are about the other side of the coin...about countries coming together in peace to compete against each other in sport.

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