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Olympics opening ceremony multicultural poop tweets Tory MP

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like it or loath it, but LONDON which is the host city is one of, if not the most multicultural city in the world, thus the ceremony portrayed it perfectly. Anyone who disagrees is a racist prat!


Personally I think the opening ceremony was a triumph!


Well said WeX

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There are a lot of black athletes and they tend to be good athletes. Its arguable that their physical make up makes them stronger and faster than other groups. Boxing is a good example, along with running. I remember the 'Black Power' demo on the rostrum some years ago. The fact is you are going to get loads of black athletes whether you like it or not because they are so good at their sports. Is that a problem ?? I hope not. Cycling is predominately white, is that a problem ?? No. Sport rises above colour, creed ,religion or politics.

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Just listening to Frank Skinner's show from this morning. He pretty much concurs with my opinion of the ceremony, "too right-on". "Trevor Nelson but no Lord Nelson". Glad to know that some people in the media are prepared to speak the mind.


The ceremony was about 'Britishness', dont knock it. We are British.......be proud of it. We love to win, but are gracious in defeat. Let us be an example for the world to copy.

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The ceremony was about 'Britishness', dont knock it. We are British.......be proud of it. We love to win, but are gracious in defeat. Let us be an example for the world to copy.


Hey up Nimrod, I did not watch the OC last night but not going to knock those who did, just 2 points.... there seems to be some complaints over the person carrying the flag....who the hell is she?


And 2nd your point on us being gracious, can you let the England fans know this next time we get beat in say a semi, & they riot all over country, smashing up bars & towns :):)

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