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The Queen is remarkable.

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Presumably those who want to do away ith the monarchy want an elected President.


Truly inspired no doubt by those paragons such as Clinton, Bush, and Obama.


Assuming I am correct who would you elect as President of the UK?

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Presumably those who want to do away ith the monarchy want an elected President.


Truly inspired no doubt by those paragons such as Clinton, Bush, and Obama.


Assuming I am correct who would you elect as President of the UK?


Nope I would just be happy with an over privileged women who could actually smile once and again.

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An Act of Treason like sending a letter to a Dutch man saying "please come here and depose our King. He's a Catholic. Please help." That type of treason?


I've had a re-think, the Tower suggestion may have been a little harsh i'm not that cruel. i think the return of the stocks as a punishment for treason would be more considerate. ;)

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The power to chop off their wives heads when they wanted a new one?


That type of power?


Has a Winsor ever put anyone to death (wars not included)?

This question I'd like an answer to if anyone knows?


Henry the 8th was a Tudor.


Despite the facts, look at places like dubai, and what the absolute Monarchs have achieved over the last 20 years.

Could our government (middlemen) currently match those achievements?


Nope, why? because they're too busy milking the country dry.


Now whilst we are on the subject of privileged children do you think the children to the owners of Coka Cola will ever be able to work with such precision as what the queen does at her ripe ole age?

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