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The Queen is remarkable.

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I once read this wierd book, set in the future where the queen of England was over a thousand years old and swam around in a big glass egg, giving out orders by telepathy.


The hero battled his way into the fortress at the end and smashed the egg. So she might get to see a few more olympic opening ceremonies yet, but her time will come, as sure as eggs are eggs.

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I once read this wierd book, set in the future where the queen of England was over a thousand years old and swam around in a big glass egg, giving out orders by telepathy.


The hero battled his way into the fortress at the end and smashed the egg. So she might get to see a few more olympic opening ceremonies yet, but her time will come, as sure as eggs are eggs.

The last Queen of England was Elizabeth I


The one we have now is Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain. Just to be totally pedantic :D

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I once read this wierd book, set in the future where the queen of England was over a thousand years old and swam around in a big glass egg, giving out orders by telepathy.


The hero battled his way into the fortress at the end and smashed the egg. So she might get to see a few more olympic opening ceremonies yet, but her time will come, as sure as eggs are eggs.


I would have requested a refund, sounds a crap read, and of course her time will come, like many has said she is only human doing their time here on this rock.

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What? idiot! :rolleyes: Trying to persuade people to change their opinions by resorting to silly comments is highly unlikely to work. Or have we now reached the stage where only people who agree with your view, are allowed to express it?


I just find all this screaming and whooping at the slightest little thing excessive and silly. Until fairly recently people were expected to behave in a more restrained manner on official occasions. This was one of those occasions, imo. I don't care enough about it to try to change your mind by debating it with you or Daven, though.


Oh dear..



I don't think your opinion was about to be changed or even debated, although you've made it clear you don't care enough, it still didn't stop you from getting your farewell pennies worth in.


You made a comment that the athletes were like drunken chavs and I challenged it. I could have said "idiot" but used light banter with "ok, your date didn't work out, jeez" to emphasise 'for Christ's sake chill' or some such. I guess you just couldn't resist jumping up n down like a 5yr old athlete tearing your hair out in outrage because I was probably unknowingly bang on with the date thing. :hihi:


All a pity really because in reality you used your 'idiotic' attack on the athletes as a smokescreen for the criticism of Queenie. In my world they call that spite... the preserve of 10yr olds, usually.

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Considering what she had to endure prior to her arrival at the stadium,is it surprising she was looking a little strained.


What I found strange was why the producer chose that specific footage of the Queen viewing the opening ceremony to broadcast.

There must have been more flattering coverage of her reactions to the ceremony which could have been shown.

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For precisely that reason, it is madness to give people a job based on which womb they popped out of.


Maybe the penny will drop for the Royalist morons when the queen finally goes, and is replaced by the odious Charles. That's when people will wake up to the idea that choosing the Monarchy on the basis of bloodline isn't fit for the 21st Century.

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