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The government is planning to sell off Plasma Resources UK

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What does commercially effective mean then?


Not tipping money down the toilet. Like.. It might not be commerially effective to run a daily midnight bus service from Bakewell to Aberdeen on account of the buses being empty on every run.

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If a private company gets to run the blood service then I am stopping being a donor.


If it goes private then they can start paying for the blood.


I don't agree with the blood donor service anyway as they discriminate against gay men even though straight people can equally carry HIV. Maybe a private company wont discriminate.

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I don't agree with the blood donor service anyway as they discriminate against gay men even though straight people can equally carry HIV. Maybe a private company wont discriminate.


They dont discriminate against gay men. They discriminate against men that have sex with another man within twelve months of donation.

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They dont discriminate against gay men. They discriminate against men that have sex with another man within twelve months of donation.


So how many straight men have sex with another man then? None.


So the discriminiation is targeting gay men. Even those who are married (civil partnership) and have one partner and the fact that hetrosexual people can get aids too.

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They exlude prostitutes, those who have injected drugs, those haveing had recent tattoos as well - are you going to campaign on those issues too?


They exclude unacceptably high risks. Like it or not, gay men have a much higher chance of HIV. That's the reason for it.

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The government will sell off what it is told to sell off by financial interests. The banks loan the money and we pay the interest on the loan, and they can make any government sell anything, and it all goes for pennies in the pound, to sponsored corporate interests of course.


For the last 30 years whatever the financial industry thinks is "WORTH IT" is sold off, mostly without much fanfare as in the Thatcher years.


Corporations buy stuff to make profit, you pay through subsidising the sale, you pay for it through the low bargain price, and you pay for it forever through the tax take, and that is the name of the game.


What can anyone do, but shout, and look forward to sharp practices, and contaminated blood. Everything is slowly being sold off, slowly so as not to frighten the children.


Do not forget this week it was discovered British Rail invested more and we pay the highest fares in Europe despite the billion we pay subsidising private for profit corporations. They pay millions in PR, or propaganda to justify the thefts.

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