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Banged Up Abroad - Why Do People Continue To Smuggle Drugs Time After Time?

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It's not just drug-smuggling but loads of crimes that people commit without thinking or caring about the consequences. Some people are stupid and arrogant enough to film their crimes on a mobile phone and then pass the images around, even onto the internet. A year or two back a gang of teenagers stabbed someone to death in Victoria Station in full view of some of the best CCTV in the country and in front of loads of witnesses. It's a combination of stupidity, arrogance, mental health issues, learning difficulties, greed, emotions, desperation, etc, etc.


And pure evil.

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Don`t get me wrong I love watching Banged Up Abroad it`s a brilliant programme, but everytime I watch the programme I ask myself why does another person choose to do it?? I know the obvious is money, they have ended up thousands of miles away from home, they went abroad teaching or something and end up meeting some unsavoury characters who have an answer to all their problems, what?? why are some people so stupid that they think it is that easy to smuggle drugs??. The customs officers have seen it all before and they are wise to stupid people who smuggle drugs as people have been trying and failing to smuggle drugs for years and years don`t they watch the News and read about others who have ended up in a hellhole recieving some silly sentence for smuggling cocaine, heroin, or some other drug etc etc??.


It is frightening the state of some of these prisons, they are not a nice place to be serving a long stretch, the conditions are hurrendous they really are, watching this programme prisoners in this country are very lucky compared to prisoners abroad. I read a book about Sandra Gregory who ironically was teaching in Thailand in 1993 and smuggled drugs out of Thailand with Robert Lock who was freed, as he had no drugs on him, she had and she was sentenced to a long time in the Bangkok Hilton the famous hellhole Phlem Klom I thinks it called, and then she was sent back to Britain to serve the rest of her sentence and was eventually freed, another famous story about smuggling was Billy Hayes who was caught at the airport in Turkey in 1978 and sent to Sagmcillar prison. The film and book Midnight Express was based on this starring Brad Davis, what are other peoples thoughts on this?? as it baffles me why people risk their freedom time and time again on the off chance that they will get away with it when 9 times out of 10 they never do and end up paying the price. :);)




Simple answer, £££££££££££££££££££££££££.



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I to have watched that program many many times and to me one thing sticks out a mile the people who are approached are known to be short of money and are easy pray most of the time, Why are they approached is this they are SET UP, the very nice and plausible person setting them up is in coo-hoots with the police the mules get their travel documents paid for by the big people the dates times etc are past on to the police they arrest the mules (just to show they are doing a good job) and the big men carry on making there millions, and that is true, most of the people are very naive and get told nobody has ever been caught etc and it is very easy money and they get brainwashed into thinking they wont get caught

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Sure, drugs are difficult to smuggle for you and I, but what about the drugs cartels who virtually have a monopoly over the drugs market, can afford their own fleets and sophisticated methods to avoid interdiction, can afford to pay off the right people and can afford to bear the heavy costs of any interdiction etc.


I'm sure they wholeheartedly support the laws that ensure smuggling for the small person is almost impossible. Less competition and more profits for them.

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When it comes to drug smuggling I am surprised people still carry it on their person and 'chance it', except those permitted to do so. There is international shipping of numerous goods and the global postal network.


A lot of companies will send you free gifts, teabags for example.


(You can request some free tea here...




The tea will be sent to you via the post.)


It is no different for drugs.

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When it comes to drug smuggling I am surprised people still carry it on their person and 'chance it', except those permitted to do so. There is international shipping of numerous goods and the global postal network.


A lot of companies will send you free gifts, teabags for example.


(You can request some free tea here...




The tea will be sent to you via the post.)


It is no different for drugs.


dont it smell a bit different

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When it comes to drug smuggling I am surprised people still carry it on their person and 'chance it', except those permitted to do so. There is international shipping of numerous goods and the global postal network...


And a number of postal sorting offices have dogs. Dogs with a really good sense of smell.

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And a number of postal sorting offices have dogs. Dogs with a really good sense of smell.


There aren't any dogs at Brightside Lane. And even if there were they would not be able to search much.


Very little mail is searched.


And even then, smells can be hidden, they might not exist in the first place.

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