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Virus warning (Novarg/Mydoom)

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Sounds like a virus? What was the attachment's filename?


Sounds a bit like:



Doesn't sound like someone (with much intelligence) doing it maliciously - why would they send it to the forum owner, who would know better than anyone his password WASN'T about to expire!

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Hmm, I've been contacted by someone who I share an office with and he has a similar problem. However, they both appear to be slightly more than just a trojan/virus - but I guess that could still be an option.


Thanks for the link Nick, I took a look at the extensions list and also in my virus vault, but I couldn't see any file names that match. I will let you know what I discover. I'm guessing that no-one else has received it?

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I have the feeling this is the start of something big. Tonight I've been getting 10s of e-mails coming in to my various different e-mail boxes (across different ISPs etc). A lot of them seem to have virus infected attachments which are luckily being zapped by a combination of SpamAssassin and my virus e-mail scanner.

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You're describing what I've had in the past... not a lot you can do... it sounds like the forum/your email address has been pulled out of an address book or at random from the web then used as a spoofed sender...


I've had about 400 of these on various domains for 2 weeks up until about a week ago... It's a pain but until people practice safe PC and email policy it's a problem that won't go away... you'll probably see if stop in about a week if that.

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This can got infected but is ok now. Suspect hh.exe may be infected but NAV not flagging anything yet.


I also had autoupdate enabled. If they were able to able to send an emergency ping for running copies to update, they could nip these things in the bud.


of course its all a conspiracy of antivirus companies having viruses written on the sly to outwit their competitors products.


Score one for the sophos virus engineers


(ok ok its a worm not a virus).

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Ack... 53 minutes ago this story went online:


Just when you thought it was safe to open email again, the first serious computer virus outbreak of 2004 is ripping through the Internet at record pace. The new worm is called both Mydoom and Novarg. It's a variant of a familiar foe, the Mimail worm that wreaked havoc in 2003. Already, Central Command's Emergency Virus Response Team confirms more than 3,800 infections of Worm/Mydoom less than 45 minutes after the worm's initial discovery. Network Associates reports 19,500 email messages bearing the virus from 3,400 unique Internet addresses. Emphasizing the seriousness of the virus, Symantec has rated Mydoom as a 4 out of 5, or "Severe" - more



Having read a few "breaking" articles about this virus, the strange e-mail I received seems smarter than what this virus is capable of. For example, it not only appeared to be from Sheffield Forum, but it also includes the web-site address in a few places and seems well targeted towards a forum type of site - i.e. warning people their usernames were due to expire.


Hmm... all very confusing.

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