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Virus warning (Novarg/Mydoom)

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Norton is one of the best, but you would be better off buying Norton AntiVirus 2003 or 2004 - the standalone software. It will cost you around £30-35 but this gives you a year's worth of free updates. After that it costs about £10 per year to keep it up-to-date.


Someone I know had a similar problem with LiveUpdate crashing their PC. When you boot-up it basically tries to connect to the internet and see if there is an update. This seems a little buggy (she's on Windows Millenium) and causes the PC to crash.


Anyway, try the full Norton package or just use a free alternative like the AVG one I use ;)

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Having done various Google searches I keep coming back to links about the problem not being a Symantec problem but something to do with Veri sign certs running out and the problem not having been solved.




Veri sign


If this is the case I don't want to by another version of NAV cos it's still saying I have 364 days (today) left and it's not asking me to renew my subscription (and it did do this last year)


I am on the verge of uninstalling Norton System works totally and installing the free anti virus thing you suggested Geoff I just want to know if i'm misunderstanding that link because I'm not entirely sure if they mean they are working on the problem (and there is therefore nothing I can do ) or if I should be doing something ( not sure what mind ) to get the new cert :confused:

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Scheduling seems to work fine for me on the free version :) And it can do scheduled updates too. However, what we should really focus on is how to fix Sian's problem. If there is a year left then it would be best sticking with Norton - at least for value-for-money reasons.

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I THINK it's sorted - I downloaded the thingy it suggested and now I have the up- to- date Veri sign cert and a pc that doesn't freeze or crash when I try doing live update...


I won't feel totally convinced until there's a new virus definition available to download so I can test this out but I'm going to leave it alone for a few days now I think :-/


Sorry for going horribly off topic Geoff:blush:

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I had a horrible feeling all wasn't right with NAV so I uninstalled it and have installed AVG as you suggested Geoff. It's in the middle of a scan but it says it's found a virus (which obviously NAV didn't pick up (grrrr) so thank you :)

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