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Help stop kitten experiments at Cardiff University.

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Don't you think that the people who support/carr out animal testing are doing the same..putting the health of their and our families above the pain/fear of animals..? Are you also saying that you'd use them but it's wrong for others to do so? It'd be good if Sci-fi could answer my ealier post too... (it was actually aimed at him/her)


I would use present available medicines, procedures etc, I believe that the current testing on animals should be stopped.

If there was no new treatment available then there would be no choice.


That said I believe there is a good alternative to vivisection on animals, I would rather vivisection was performed on the likes of Ian Huntley. Although I feel more people would feel they would not want to benefit from a procedure that was first successfully performed on the likes of Huntley.

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Presumed? That's not the case though - there are many real benefits, hence the reason these sorts of research projects are carried out.


Not all animal testing is for the benefit of mankind. Although many presume it is.

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Finding cures for human conditions is important to many people and unfortunately some animals are used to help in the research, what’s the alternative. :(


Cardiff University has defended the experiments, which aim to find a cure for lazy eyes, saying:


"The condition can be treated in young children of up to about eight years by such measures as the wearing of eye patches.


“However, in older children and adults, as the brain increasingly prefers images from one eye, the condition is not curable.


“The aim of the Cardiff University study is to better understand this critical period in early life when the visual cortex in the brain adapts to the signals coming from the eye.


“In the long term, the aim is to use this improved understanding of the brain to treat older children or adults."


I think I prefer to keep my lazy eye lazy.

No kittens need be tortured for my vanity, thank you very much.

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Ironically it was thalidomide which led to the current testing requirements in drug licensing, and it is still being used today, along with related compounds.


I know, and they still make mistakes. There are no guarantees that drugs deemed safe when tested on animals are as safe for humans.

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Thalidomide didn't prove to be that popular that's for sure.


It's very popular with bone cancer sufferers to this day - it's a useful drug


Guess why animal testing suddenly started to become much more popular about 50 years ago....

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