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Help stop kitten experiments at Cardiff University.

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My view is that humans have a greater intrinsic value than other animals.


You're only saying what you said before but with more words, being a human is enough; in your mind to say that you are better than any other animal and yet you are no more needed on this planet than anything else.

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Because they're capable of producing art and literature and music.

They have the capacity to love.


Animals love and produce art and music, chimps can type but I don't think that counts as literature. They also dance, use tools and they can count.


I don't know why that would make humans more valuable though:huh:


I accept that you have a different opinion to mine but if you don't have facts to back it up it is just another opinion.


The more behavioural research we do the more proofs we are getting that animals are just like us. The research is not going the other way!


If I can't paint or write does that make me worth less?

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Because they're capable of producing art and literature and music.

They have the capacity to love.


These are abiities that animals may or may not be able to do. If this is the basis of your argument then there are many animals that can do things that we cannot so does that not make them better than us.

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In what way are we better, what is better?


Humans are far more intelligent than all animals. We have built cities, created languages, worked out how to repair ourselves, flown to the moon, explored deep space.


All cats do is use my garden as a toilet!

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