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So tell us why you don't want humans to be superior to animals, then.


The argument being but forward that humans are superior is flawed in that its only some humans that are smarter than most other animals.


If it’s OK for one animal to kill another animal just on the grounds that one is smarter, then it must make it OK for one human to kill another human just because one is smarter.

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Physically humans certainly are not top of the tree so to speak, we do not have the eysight of birds of prey, or the sense of smell of a dogs, but then they dont have opposable thumbs and all the benefits that brings to us, so its swings and roundabouts in that regard.


It is the human mind and its limitless possibilities that makes human beings superior.


The human mind is merely an adaption like a posable thumb, there is still no evidence being given as to how we are superior, merely opinion.


The brains wiring and its resulting cognitive ability is a physiological function, how those functions are interpreted is psychology, which is a posh (and slightly expanded)way of saying behaviouralism.


In a nutshell all your argument is saying is that our physiological system makes us superior to that of any other animal with a unique physiological system, but you're not explaining why you think this, all your doing is telling us what our physiological system is capable of.


You need to tell us why our unique physiological function make us, for want of a better word, better than other animals with unique attributes.


The difficulty lies in better, superior or whatever other word you care to use being purely subjective, it is only better from the point of view of 'a', wheras to 'b', 'c', 'd' etc it is not.


My camp are asking your camp for the evidence as to what makes it better to all the parties, your camp seem to be entirely missing the point and basing your entire argument on the function of that ability, which is not in dispute.

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So tell us why you don't want humans to be superior to animals, then.


Oh well if it's a free-for-all....


It isn't a question of me personally not wanting or accepting that we are superior it's more a case of not seeing us as being superior. I like the phrase co-existing and see no reason why that cannot be the case.

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As I said earlier, their socialist egalitarianism even extends to the animal kingdom.


Sorry, I mean, one is or isn't superior to the other. What people "want" to be true doesn't come into it.


Humans are animals so they can't be superior to animals.

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