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Help stop kitten experiments at Cardiff University.

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Hi all, please follow this link and sign the letter if you don't agree with vivisection, or any other type of evil experimentation on helpless animals.


PETA has already persuaded airlines to stop transporting these poor animals to a certain cruel deaths. Help persuade other airlines to stop shipping primates to be tortured by scientists.




Hasn't this been done already?!?



Rather them than me!

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Law requires the testing. The law must be challenged.


PETA kills animals too.


Rather than killing 4 monkeys by hindering legally required testing, that will only be done elsewhere, perhaps it would be best to campaign for the law to be changed.


It is not a pleasant thing, but perhaps we could consider making sure test (often specifically bred) animals are given a healthy upbringing in a nice environment, and a quick death after we violate them. If we are to sacrifice them, the least we can do is give them respect.


To think, the law requires shed loads of animal testing, when we could be funding scientific research, we could be testing coal and its products for better ways of synthesising oil. A more efficient way to synthesis oil from coal would benefit us all.


To think how few jobs there are in industries steel and mining nowadays, and how often common men could discover new things and advance the industry, those opportunities are no longer there.


A qualified workforce and above average unemployment. Swathes of labour that could be invested into scientific research, not funded by government, whilst animal testing is required by law.

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