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Help stop kitten experiments at Cardiff University.

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According to the scientists they were never in pain, and I tend to agree with you about using animals to find cures for genetic disorders, when the solution is to stop passing the genetic disorder onto next generation of people.


clearly bull! If it is painless having your eye sewn up then being killed why not do it to children.


Oh wait you are quite right:

"The kittens were then anaesthetised, artificially ventilated and paralysed with a drug to prevent eye movements. They were then subjected to highly invasive head surgery during which the skin was cut away, the skull was opened and the brain was exposed for recordings."


Sounds painless to me!

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clearly bull! If it is painless having your eye sewn up then being killed why not do it to children.


Oh wait you are quite right:

"The kittens were then anaesthetised, artificially ventilated and paralysed with a drug to prevent eye movements. They were then subjected to highly invasive head surgery during which the skin was cut away, the skull was opened and the brain was exposed for recordings."


Sounds painless to me!


I imagine it’s the same principle has brain surgery in humans when the patient has to remain conscious. :)

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I certainly won't sign the petition. This sounds like valuable research and it also sounds like the kittens are anaesthetised throughout the procedure anyway.


Of course there is room for people to be concerned about animal welfare as well as that of human beings, but I remain deeply suspicious of those ( I suspect the OP is one) who value animal lives over human lives.


I think they're damaged.

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Hi, British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection are trying to get 20'000 petitions signed and sent off. Please try and find the time to help, thanks. :0)





Can I ask if you are against the research and production of new antibiotics which are, after all, tested on other living organisms..namely bacteria?

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I certainly won't sign the petition. This sounds like valuable research and it also sounds like the kittens are anaesthetised throughout the procedure anyway.


Of course there is room for people to be concerned about animal welfare as well as that of human beings, but I remain deeply suspicious of those ( I suspect the OP is one) who value animal lives over human lives.


I think they're damaged.


It's a necessary evil I suppose but for the record i'm damaged and have more sympathy for an animal than the loss of human life aside from those that mean something to me, the rest are little more than a population.

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So if the test animals are anaesthetised and don't feel pain or fear then it's OK?


No because they are aware of the situation and surroundings leading up to it the same as you and I before an operation. Granted they are blissfully unaware of the procedure to follow but they do react to a difference of routine.

Bacteria good or bad do not possess the ability or the brain to feel pain, it's likely that they are oblivious to being alive at all rather they are programmed to do what they do without deviating.

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