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Illegal psychological experiments on Sheffield?

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Ok, this isn't one about "evil" scientists, but still sort of relevant. I don't want to be jumping straight in with something to over the top.


Did anyone notice an escalation in trains being derailed during the Iraq wars? Trains seemed to be derailing quite often. A lot more than peace time. This is just an example of the kinds of things I notice. It stood out more because there seemed to be a rise in trains being derailed during both wars.

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Those landings that left observable things like reflectometers and vehicles behind you mean. Oh and brought big lumps of Moon back.


Have you personally observed said observable things? and vehicles etc? Or did you just see the pictures they provided for you to see? I have definately made my own mind up on the moon landings. I think that the moon lander was so far from the moon when it was declared they had nearly ran out of fuel was a clincher for me. Also the moon lander is way to delicate looking and basic. There is no way that machine was used to land on the moon and then make a return flight.


And then we have the nature of man to consider.


There is not a chance in hell they would have left it at just a few visits. They would have took drilling gear, built a moon mining station etc etc. The moon landing is just pure pap. lol

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Yup. You can bounce lasers off them for example.


I'm not convinced, but I would like to be proved wrong about my idea of it being a huge fraud.


Where can I do this or view this? In the UK. I am always open to being proved wrong, it's a good thing. I will be a happier man if you prove the moon landings happened. And I mean real proof. I have a scientist friend into astronomy etc with access too some serious hardware, he never mentioned this.


Just read a piece about bouncing laser off appollo's reflector.

I don't see how it could work. Surely to bounce the laser off appollo's reflector they would need to locate appollo. And if appollo is still on the moon then how did the astronaught's get back to the main ship?


That little snippet of information seems to be a fraud, never mind. Ill try again.

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Ive said this once but its worth repeating. As you "know" more than us sheeple are you happier ? Sadder ? Are you doing anything about it ? What have you exposed ?


If you do believe in all these conspiracies how do you get through the day ? Do you have to go through the hassle of filtering the water before you make a brew, stuff like that ? I ask this in all honesty because your life must be hard work or you must fear for it everyday.

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Just read a piece about bouncing laser off appollo's reflector.

I don't see how it could work. Surely to bounce the laser off appollo's reflector they would need to locate appollo.


Apollo, as you call it, is in bits and pieces all over the shop. Most of the Saturn V rocket crashes into the sea; the command module brings the astronauts back home; one part of the lunar module stays on the Moon, while the other part takes off again to bring astronauts back to the command module....


...the bit that stays on the Moon, includes a reflector.

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Ok, this isn't one about "evil" scientists, but still sort of relevant. I don't want to be jumping straight in with something to over the top.


Did anyone notice an escalation in trains being derailed during the Iraq wars? Trains seemed to be derailing quite often. A lot more than peace time. This is just an example of the kinds of things I notice. It stood out more because there seemed to be a rise in trains being derailed during both wars.

Okay let's start here. You need to apply critical thinking, firstly, ask yourself this about the trains...

Have you personally observed said observable things? and vehicles etc? Or did you just see the pictures they provided for you to see?


1. Where did you get the info from about the trains?


2. Have you compared this data to years before and after the Gulf Wars? Where there actually MORE trains accidents or is it just that some people have noticed them more during the Gulf Wars?

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Ok, this isn't one about "evil" scientists, but still sort of relevant. I don't want to be jumping straight in with something to over the top.


Did anyone notice an escalation in trains being derailed during the Iraq wars? Trains seemed to be derailing quite often. A lot more than peace time. This is just an example of the kinds of things I notice. It stood out more because there seemed to be a rise in trains being derailed during both wars.


The crucial word there is 'seemed'. Unless you have comprehensive and accurate data about derailments, you're wasting your time.

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