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Illegal psychological experiments on Sheffield?

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Hi . Thanks for the rocker fella interview I didn't watch it , YET . As my thread was terminated . Any ideas ?



About the moon , what we do know is backed up by science . The Van Allen belt is a belt of dense radiation surrounding planet earth . If anything such as human tissue was too pass through it they would get very sick. This radiation would also severely effect electrical circuits .



I'm not sure what NASA did too over come this problem .


They used radiation shielding and plotted courses that only hit the fringes of the van Allen belt. The main risk was to the astronauts, but most of the protons will have been stopped by the insulation materials. I think all the Lunar astronauts got cataracts though.

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This thread started out as a bit of a joke, but appears to have escalated and we are now discussing some very serious stuff.


Were you aware that Ford Aerospace ( the people who run Menwith Hill [nothing to do with the US government ].... 'Ford Aerospace' - (Ford Prefect?) are planning to take over Sheffield?


Were you aware that they have a mega warehouse stocked with Daleks with 'human tendencies'?


Apparently, more than 50% of them are programmed to react like John Barrowman.)


(Buggered if I know why.)

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They used radiation shielding and plotted courses that only hit the fringes of the van Allen belt. The main risk was to the astronauts, but most of the protons will have been stopped by the insulation materials. I think all the Lunar astronauts got cataracts though.


Buzz Aldrin still seems to be going strong. I can't find any photos of him with glasses & no visible cataracts either. Space travel gives a higher chance of developing cataracts, but it's not every lunar astronaut.


Anyway, from wikipedia...

The spacecraft moved through the belts in about four hours, and the astronauts were protected from the ionizing radiation by the aluminium hulls of the spacecraft. Furthermore, the orbital transfer trajectory from Earth to the Moon through the belts was chosen to lessen radiation exposure. Even Dr James Van Allen, the discoverer of the Van Allen radiation belts, rebutted the claims that radiation levels were too dangerous for the Apollo missions.



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Hi . Thanks for the rocker fella interview I didn't watch it , YET . As my thread was terminated . Any ideas ?



About the moon , what we do know is backed up by science . The Van Allen belt is a belt of dense radiation surrounding planet earth . If anything such as human tissue was too pass through it they would get very sick. This radiation would also severely effect electrical circuits .



I'm not sure what NASA did too over come this problem .


The Apollo missions marked the first event where humans traveled through the Van Allen belts, which was one of several radiation hazards known by mission planners. The astronauts had low exposure in the Van Allen belts due to the short period of time spent flying through them in the heavily-shielded Command Module. In fact, the astronauts' overall exposure was dominated by solar particles once outside the earth's magnetic field. The total radiation received by the astronauts varied from mission to mission but was measured to be between 0.16 and 1.14 rads, much less than the standard of five (5) rem per year set by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission for people who work with radioactivity.


Seems like it's well understood.

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Any one know anything about auditory psychological experiments. IE the use of technology on the masses etc, or the crowd experiments?


Do you mean this kind of thing?



"A directed-energy weapon (DEW) emits energy in an aimed direction without the means of a projectile. It transfers energy to a target for a desired effect. Intended effects may be non-lethal or lethal. Some such weapons are real, or are under active research and development.


The energy can come in various forms:


Electromagnetic radiation, in lasers or masers

Particles with mass, in particle beam weapons (Technically a form of micro-projectile weapon)

Sound, in sonic weapons"




Hi . Thanks for the rocker fella interview I didn't watch it , YET . As my thread was terminated . Any ideas ?



About the moon , what we do know is backed up by science . The Van Allen belt is a belt of dense radiation surrounding planet earth . If anything such as human tissue was too pass through it they would get very sick. This radiation would also severely effect electrical circuits .



I'm not sure what NASA did too over come this problem .


I don't know enough about the Van Allen belt to make a judgement.

Apart from that and some dodgy looking footage I can see little reason to doubt the story. But saying that I suppose there's not much to convince me they did either.


Moon rock- if the Russians could collect it without sending people so could the US.


Reflectors- also doesn't prove man put them there, the Russians again I believe have placed reflectors on the moon.


Footage- Not all that convincing.


Lack of whistle blowers- We all know what happens to whistle blowers. Only a select number would have to know anyway.


Russians- how would they know if there were people in the craft? And not just a robot like they'd sent.

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