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Illegal psychological experiments on Sheffield?

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The universe is vast. It would be very foolish and arrogant to presume that we were the only intelligent life within it. (some present company excepted):cool:


Did I miss something? When did the thread go off tangent about alien life?

I thought this thread was about "illegal experiments in Sheffield" or a book the guy read as a kid, or something :huh:

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But there's a serious point behind it all. If you were willing to believe the tale about noxious gases being released on such flimsy evidence, and were therefore hoaxes - might it not be that your belief in all these other tales about nefarious experiments on the general population, might actually be based on very little more?


It's worse than that, according to the OP, it's based on the memory of a novel he read when he was younger.

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After reading all the terrible attempts at comedy etc I've decided to end my discussion, should have realised there is no chance of any decent input from people with nothing better to do than moan all day on SF. Have a nice day folks and enjoy the warm gasses of your Sunday cabbage ;)

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After reading all the terrible attempts at comedy etc I've decided to end my discussion, should have realised there is no chance of any decent input from people with nothing better to do than moan all day on SF. Have a nice day folks and enjoy the warm gasses of your Sunday cabbage ;)


You didn't actually get round to discussing anything. I asked you to.


What do you expect people to do while they wait for you to post something relevant? Of course they're going to entertain themselves. :help:

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After reading all the terrible attempts at comedy etc I've decided to end my discussion, should have realised there is no chance of any decent input from people with nothing better to do than moan all day on SF. Have a nice day folks and enjoy the warm gasses of your Sunday cabbage ;)


You mean your OP wasn't posted for comedic effect? :suspect:


Anyway, amongst the jokes there was an important message about researching fantastic claims, it appears to have gone right past you. You should go back and look for it, maybe then the direction the thread took will become more obvious.

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You mean your OP wasn't posted for comedic effect? :suspect:


Anyway, amongst the jokes there was an important message about researching fantastic claims, it appears to have gone right past you. You should go back and look for it, maybe then the direction the thread took will become more obvious.


He wanted a discussion about hypothetical situations. He just couldn't be bothered to actually participate, it seems.

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He wanted a discussion about hypothetical situations. He just couldn't be bothered to actually participate, it seems.


So it's turned into a hypothetical discussion about hypothetical situations. Looks like win-win to me :hihi:

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After reading all the terrible attempts at comedy etc I've decided to end my discussion, should have realised there is no chance of any decent input from people with nothing better to do than moan all day on SF. Have a nice day folks and enjoy the warm gasses of your Sunday cabbage ;)


brave new world by aldous huxley a good read too ;)

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