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Do you remember "Burngreave Congs"?


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Does anyone know of any pictures of the old Burngreave Congregational Church ("Burngreave Congs" as it was called).

The Sunday School hall was on Nottingham Cliff. At the back was a grassy area down to the actual church building, which stood on Pitsmoor Road.


The hall had a stage for concerts, and was the home of the Sheffield 113 Group Scouts and Cubs. Around the walls were pictures of "May Queens", some of which dated back many years, even then.


The top man at the church was also a manager at the old Fir Vale Hospital.

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Is the church building you are on about christ church...

I am trying to picture the scene as this was before my time.

The grassy area that went down to Pitsmoor Rd from Nottingham Cliff would be were the maisonettes are now.

The recreation ground at the rear of the old Pye Bank school where allotments I believe whicjh lead on to the grassy area you are on about down to the church.


Am I right...... You tell me Sir.

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Looked on picture sheffield and Woodside Lane was demolished in 1959\60 according to the pictures, there's some pics of Nottingham Street too so you may be able to see something on the pics in there..There's a link below.

I remember going camping in Wales (Conway)with the scouts from Burngreave Congs that was in the early 1960's. so it must have been mid to late 60s when it was demolished unless the scouts moved to somewhere else but retained the name.



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The neckerchief was red and brown, right? I used to 'dib, dib ,dob, dob, with the Cubs there. And now you say the old place has gone. I went over to their bitter rivals the Pitsmoor Troup, neckerchief purple with a white border. Then I discovered GIRLS!

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I had completely forgotten about Burngreave Congs until I read this. I remember the neckerchief now but never belong there. I was in another rival pack. 158 Holly Trinity on Nursery St., next to Aizelwood's flour mill.


Most cub packs and scout troops were attached to Anglican. Churches. it was rare for Congregational or Methodist Churches to have one.


If the Non-conform Churches had anything at all for boys, it was mostly the Boys Life Brigade. I hated their uniform, if you could call it a uniform.


Thanks for reminding me about the Congs. Its amazing what you forget.

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Sorry Texas,


I didn't answer the second part of your question. I think the nearest Boys Life Brigade would have probably been at Andover Street Methodist - corner of Andover Street and Nottingham Street. I think there was also a corp down at Wicker Congregational (you will remember that it used to be on the triangular plot between Gowers Street, Ellesmere Road and junction of Spital Hill and Burngreave Road.


There might also have been a corp at the Methodist Church on the corner of Burngreave Road and Christchurch Road. You will remember that the church was heavily bombed during the Blitz and they took a long time to re-build.


Another posibility would have been Lopham Street Methodist. ( as you know, Lopham Street ran between Brunswick Road and Andover Street). The church building was still standing in 1991, The last time I was around there. Everything around it had gone.



Many Non-conformist churches had Boys Brigades and Girls Life Brigades up to the beginning of WWII, but not all of them restarted when the war was over.


Don't know if there were any Boys Brigade corps in Woodside.

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