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Does Education Really Make You Smarter?

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Concerned about education? Listen to Ken Robinson!


Bring on the learning revolution


"Education dislocates people from their natural talents"


... educational reform is just improving a broken model ...


... we don't need evolution in education but a revolution ...


"Human communities depend upon a diversity of ability not a single conception of ability"


"We have built our education systems on the model of fast food."


"The reason so many people opt out of education is that it doesn't feed their spirit, energy or passion"


"Human flourishing is not a mechanical process it's an organic process."


"Every day and everywhere our children spread their dream beneath our feat, and we should tread softly."



Do Schools kill creativity?


"If you're not prepared to be wrong, you will never come up with anything original. By the time most kids get to be adults, they've lost that capacity. We are educating people out of their creative capacities."


"Suddenly, degrees aren't worth anything."


"We need to radically rethink our view of intelligence"


... there are people who have to move to think ... that child may not have ADHD ... they may be a dancer ...


"we have to rethink the fundamental principles upon which we educate our children"



Oh and check this out ...

Does education really make you smarter?

Education will make some smarter, but not all!

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Does Education Really Make You Smarter? Can private education make you smarter than a public education?

Most private schools are selective, so your the thick ones don't get in, unless their parents are really rich. State education is the same, the quality of education depends on how much you are prepared to pay for a house in the right catchment area. Another option for Sheffielders is to be Catholic, and get in either All Saints or Notre dame if you cannot afford to live in S10 or S17.

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A good education usually just makes you better educated, not any more intelligent.


There are exceptions; a really good education will not just teach you bunch and information, it will teach you how to think critically and to analyse.


A good education helps you use the intelligence you have to it's full potential..

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My secondary school education almost finished me. I went to what was at the time, the worst school in Sheffield (Chaucer).


It sounds daft but it was seen as a weakness to want to learn anything and I can honestly say I promptly learnt precisley zilch at school, besides several racist insults.


Since school, i've taught myself maths and physics, completed a science access course and I'm starting an astrophysics degree in September.


At several university open days, better off parents than my own have questioned why on earth I would be interested in science with where I come from (North Sheffield).


I'd like to think I can fight the corner for public education but I'm pretty sure these private schooled snobs are going to wipe the floor with me.

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My secondary school education almost finished me. I went to what was at the time, the worst school in Sheffield (Chaucer).


It sounds daft but it was seen as a weakness to want to learn anything and I can honestly say I promptly learnt precisley zilch at school, besides several racist insults.


Since school, i've taught myself maths and physics, completed a science access course and I'm starting an astrophysics degree in September.


At several university open days, better off parents than my own have questioned why on earth I would be interested in science with where I come from (North Sheffield).


I'd like to think I can fight the corner for public education but I'm pretty sure these private schooled snobs are going to wipe the floor with me.


Which Uni are you going to?

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