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Does Education Really Make You Smarter?

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A good education usually just makes you better educated, not any more intelligent.


There are exceptions; a really good education will not just teach you bunch and information, it will teach you how to think critically and to analyse.


^^^What he says.


There is, however, a difference between someone who is very intelligent but is uneducated and someone of a similar level of intelligence who has received lots of stimulation, education and support through their learning.


This, combined with the 'old boys' network', can account for most of the difference between going to a comprehensive and a really good private school.

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Either Manchester or Sheffield


You'll be fine at either of those..these days the public shooled entrants are in the minority..when I could have gone (but didn't) uni entry was limited to about the top 5% of students...nowadays most people that want to go can...

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My secondary school education almost finished me. I went to what was at the time, the worst school in Sheffield (Chaucer).


It sounds daft but it was seen as a weakness to want to learn anything and I can honestly say I promptly learnt precisley zilch at school, besides several racist insults.


Since school, i've taught myself maths and physics, completed a science access course and I'm starting an astrophysics degree in September.


At several university open days, better off parents than my own have questioned why on earth I would be interested in science with where I come from (North Sheffield).


I'd like to think I can fight the corner for public education but I'm pretty sure these private schooled snobs are going to wipe the floor with me.

Well done! but why would those who have attended private schools be snobs and why do you think they will wipe the floor with you?

My guess is that if they are aware of what you have acchieved through your own efforts they will admire you,and even be a liitle envious.

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You'll be fine at either of those..these days the public shooled entrants are in the minority..when I could have gone (but didn't) uni entry was limited to about the top 5% of students...nowadays most people that want to go can...


...............assuming they have the capacity to finance their fees.

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