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Does Education Really Make You Smarter?

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Does Education Really Make You Smarter? Can private education make you smarter than a public education?


Could learning from your mistakes make you smarter ? You are also educating yourself .


---------- Post added 07-03-2013 at 17:32 ----------


A good education usually just makes you better educated, not any more intelligent.


There are exceptions; a really good education will not just teach you bunch and information, it will teach you how to think critically and to analyse.


There are even other exceptions . A good education can also give you an advantage . Particularly in a selective society like ours .

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Have you?


You do this a lot, imply that someone else lacks the necessary expertise or experience to have an opinion, but that you have it... I've yet to see any evidence that you do though.


Yes I have.I hope that satisfies your interest.One can infer many things from the comments made on SF.


I should add that I did not explicitly claim to have experience of both.

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Oh. I don'know . Just look at some of the so called leaders of the country who have had a private education .

It's not what you know but who you know .


I can agree there. Many of our leaders here in the US originated not from private schools however but were born into ordinary circumstances, got a university education along the way, became lawyers some of them and then went into politics.

For all that,Washington these days is a dysfuctional entity. We have a Congress that has the record of being the least productive since 1947 and with a national approval rate of ony 38 percent, a President with a national approval rate of only 33 percent and between him and the government have now landed themselves in the situation of having to cut 85 billion dollars from spending costs which will impact everything from public safety, necessary infrastructure repairs to schools and universities.


The pain will all be felt at the ordinary level. Needless to say not at the top sad to say

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I can agree there. Many of our leaders here in the US originated not from private schools however but were born into ordinary circumstances, got a university education along the way, became lawyers some of them and then went into politics.

For all that,Washington these days is a dysfuctional entity. We have a Congress that has the record of being the least productive since 1947 and with a national approval rate of ony 38 percent, a President with a national approval rate of only 33 percent and between him and the government have now landed themselves in the situation of having to cut 85 billion dollars from spending costs which will impact everything from public safety, necessary infrastructure repairs to schools and universities.


The pain will all be felt at the ordinary level. Needless to say not at the top sad to say

You have me at a disadvantage my friend , for I have not the knowledge of the U.S. , I am sorry to say .Non the less , your comments imply that there is a similarity in the system .

Talking percentages can be very misleading . You make mention of 38 and 33 % approval rates , but of what. Is that of that of the population , the electorate or of those who could be bothered to vote ? The results can be of significance .

Our government are constantly moving the goal posts on the economy. One point they tell us that we are moving out of the recession , the next we are not moving at the rate that they first thought . The next we are being down graded from AAA by the IMF . The next we we are told by our government that that is of no consequence for we are still target . Whilst every one believes the government to be telling untruth's , the populous is being squeezed still further .

Our labour party ,at our last election was telling us that we needed a massive injection of capital in our infrastructure projects in order to give our economy a kick start . The tory's cried rubbish . Now, the coalition of the liberals who sided with the tory's to form a government , are saying just that .

Inevitably , and with justification , the populous feel that , once again, they have been lied to .

The whole international economic catastrophe would appear to have been manipulated , managed by the multinational conglomerates for their own gains with , the collusion of the western governments .

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