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Park Hill and Urban Splash Megathread

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I think that Parkhill will be a resounding success. Architecturally they are so much superior to any other High Rise in the City .


I'm sure the unit spaces will be very energy efficient and well insulated against noise and heat loss the building regs and planning ensure this, but aesthetically I find them questionable to say the least and I would always have a problem in stacking people up in such a dense population with shared areas that can only ever be as pleasant as the person with the lowest standards will allow.

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I have watched the changes being made and hope they will be a success. we wont know untill the first residents move in . The Hyde park flats have maintained a good standard look far better than they did. Will Parkhill do the same and will the other stages take place or even get started? these will add to a better looking landscape

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I like many young people in Sheffield will have the unfortunate situation were buying a property outright is out of my reach, due to over inflated prices, and have to rent, yet some posters on here label renters as trouble makers and 'scum'.


I think if most of the 50+ generation were trying to get on the property ladder nowadays they would also struggle with no capital, less lenders and high valuations.


Renting a property is the first step for most youngsters being independant.

Bang on dink We who were fortunate enough to be brought up in the Fifty,s and Sixty,s have had the best times ever in this country .iIfeel sorry for kids now who have been split in to the haves ,and have nots ,due to the loss of traditional industries in Sheffield .This demise was brought along by the very rich moving the Industries abroad so as they could take advantage of cheap labour.

And then to top it all they started bringing the cheap labour here and in so doing made it even harder for our own kids to get jobs.


And so we have the situation now that previous hard working family,s are on the scrap heap and have infact become an underclass due to the greed of others.

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Park Hill has a great location, right by the city centre and station, and some of the flats have fantastic views. The flats were large (not sure whether the new ones will be). The biggest problems before seemed to be poor maintenance and security (e.g. not being able to keep an eye on who is on the balconies), and there's reason to hope that will be sorted.


But there are more difficult problems. The Brutalist style is divisive, to say the least. The courtyard-style arrangement makes it very echo-ey, and I can't see how that will be solved. The planned shops could be useful, but it's unclear whether they will do well, with the city centre so close, yet far enough that people who don't live at Park Hill probably won't pop up from town.


The biggest problem is going to be releasing so many flats when the housing market is still depressed. Who will buy, or even rent them? If it's only part-occupied, maintenance will probably suffer, and the development might never be properly finished.

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