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No More Spiders spray, made from essence of conkers. Might tide you over until real conkers are available. From all good hardware stores. :)


If you encounter a man this morning who resembles Rusty Lee on acid seeking NMS, please be gentle with him :)

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What about a dog that does the exact same thing, but actually eats them? ;)


OI - stop that - I'd nearly got the damn cat hired out and earning a living a nice refreshing holiday until you come long with your spider munching hound.

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Delightful as it sounds the encounter would be, I don't actually have any ... although I could order some in speshully :D


I will have become petrified and turned to stone by such time your supplies are replenished, I shall gird my loins and take my chances-well I don't mind sleeping in car for a few days :)

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