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I wonder if spiders can drive, with all those extra legs they shouldn't find it too difficult. Now I come to think about it the spider that lives behind the wing mirror and the fact that I seem to get through petrol quite quickly may be linked.:huh::huh:

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I have a friend who specializes in the removal of ant infestations by using horse chestnut derivatives. He's a direct descendant of the daughter of Oedipus and Jocasta to boot!

Check out his website ... williamtheconkerer@antigone.con

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I wonder if spiders can drive, with all those extra legs they shouldn't find it too difficult. Now I come to think about it the spider that lives behind the wing mirror and the fact that I seem to get through petrol quite quickly may be linked.:huh::huh:


I think there's a connection..I've often seen them joyriding in Ferrari Spiders :suspect:

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I have a friend who specializes in the removal of ant infestations by using horse chestnut derivatives. He's a direct descendant of the daughter of Oedipus and Jocasta to boot!

Check out his website ... williamtheconkerer@antigone.con



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Is there such a creature L00b?
There is (the bigger the spider, the better, btw)...

OI - stop that - I'd nearly got the damn cat hired out and earning a living a nice refreshing holiday until you come long with your spider munching hound.
...and he'll have the cat for afters, all FoC :thumbsup:
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There is (the bigger the spider, the better, btw)...

...and he'll have the cat for afters, all FoC :thumbsup:


From the sound of the size of BF's spiders after a couple of those all the hound will be having for afters is a waddle to the nearest sofa and a light snooze.

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