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Arab spring Religious winter?

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Christians are being erased from the map via the Arab spring and its Islamic agenda. Yet the main stream media is full of praise for this wholesale annihilation of communities that have existed as Christian for millennium. WHY?


Makes for good news? If you're not seen to be backing these nutters people will presume you are ignorant/bigoted/supporting undemocratic regimes. It's kind of like the "vote for Obama" principle.

It's a shame they're power hungry religious zealots willing to destroy their own countries with foreign backing and not actual activists and protesters with a plan for the future. we the public are easily fooled/are fools.

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Makes for good news? If you're not seen to be backing these nutters people will presume you are ignorant/bigoted/supporting undemocratic regimes. It's kind of like the "vote for Obama" principle.

It's a shame they're power hungry religious zealots willing to destroy their own countries with foreign backing and not actual activists and protesters with a plan for the future. we the public are easily fooled/are fools.


Could not agree more.

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I see the Coptics have been under attack again overnight.
Copts have been harrassed/persecuted for decades, if not centuries, in Egypt.


Nothing new here (not saying it shouldn't be stopped, of course - just that it's not "out of character" or a "new thing" explained away by the "arab spring").

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