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Bring back the Sixties

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In case it's not been said already, dont forget 1966. Complete transformation in Sheffield with the World Cup bringing an International flavor to the place. Pubs open all hours, flowers all over town, cops turning blind eye to innocent merrymaking

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The best years of my life were the very late Fifties and the whole of the Sixties.

Bring 'em back I say!:cool:

The sixties was a great time to be a teenager but i can't see how to bring it back apart from building a time machine.

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Just thought of the ultimate time machine, get hold of a copy of "Woodstock the movie" or what ever it was called ,light up a funny smelling roll up , open a party seven can and get the wife dancing topless in front of the telly,you are almost there,but cover yourself in mud for the ultimate experience,love and peace man.

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Must have been in 1954,,,,saw it at a movie house in Upperthorpe? I think..

What a great time that was..


The movie house was the Oxford Cinema. It had the main entrance to go into the main hall and another entrance, at the bottom of Crookesmoor Lane, to go into the Circle upstairs. The building just above the Oxford Cinema was a Snooker/Billiard Hall.

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In case it's not been said already, dont forget 1966. Complete transformation in Sheffield with the World Cup bringing an International flavor to the place. Pubs open all hours, flowers all over town, cops turning blind eye to innocent merrymaking


Don't forget Everton also winning FA Cup, all joking apart that's why I feel sorry for the young ones born after 66, probably never going to see England win WC again :D

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