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UK manufacturing figures deal hammer blow to recovery hopes

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But the ConDems inherited an improving situation.


No they didn't they inherited a public sector that was on the verge of collapse because of the debts, overspending, and incompetent spending commitments. Remember the letter there's no money left.



and said they were going to 'rebalance' the economy away from financial service bull**** and try to move it back to how it was before the Milk Snatcher ruined everything?

I can't remember any of them saying anything that childish.

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No they didn't they inherited a public sector that was on the verge of collapse because of the debts, overspending, and incompetent spending commitments. Remember the letter there's no money left.




I can't remember any of them saying anything that childish.




That's my spin on what Smarmy Dave was implying. Obviously he's not going to say publically, that the economy has been run on a flawed economic model for the last 33 years, for fear of alienating a large portion of the Tory-supporting beneficiaries of the great UK sell-off which has brought us to our knees.

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