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Jobcentre suicide attempts.

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After having the misfortune to visit Rotherham Job centre with a friend yesterday I can well see why people with a mental health problem would find going there extremely intimidating and I'm sure that having to do so on a regular basis would make them ill.


The whole thing is set out to intimidate in my opinion, the door men that look like bouncers, you have to tell them where you are going you can't just walk in any more.

I am still trying to work out why there are so many people waiting outside constantly, I have seen them there stood in the rain with no shelter and not allowed under the cover at the front...people seem to be treat like animals and the lowest of the low, no wonder they begin to act like it!

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After having the misfortune to visit Rotherham Job centre with a friend yesterday I can well see why people with a mental health problem would find going there extremely intimidating and I'm sure that having to do so on a regular basis would make them ill.


The whole thing is set out to intimidate in my opinion, the door men that look like bouncers, you have to tell them where you are going you can't just walk in any more.

I am still trying to work out why there are so many people waiting outside constantly, I have seen them there stood in the rain with no shelter and not allowed under the cover at the front...people seem to be treat like animals and the lowest of the low, no wonder they begin to act like it!


Sorry; intimidate no the places are palatial to how used to be, the security are there to protect staff, also they ask people; as there is supposed to be zero tolerance. If you don't need to be in there you don't get in, it was to stop "mates" and such causing trouble & "egging" mates on.


You don't want someone on the door "who couldn't put a fag out"


But on the other hand I don't see no-one condemning when a jobcentre member of staff is attacked, or had a monitor thrown at them , or stabbed & yes killed.


If you are going to knock it, don't base your opinions on one visit to the "jobby"

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Sorry; intimidate no the places are palatial to how used to be, the security are there to protect staff, also they ask people; as there is supposed to be zero tolerance. If you don't need to be in there you don't get in, it was to stop "mates" and such causing trouble & "egging" mates on.


You don't want someone on the door "who couldn't put a fag out"


But on the other hand I don't see no-one condemning when a jobcentre member of staff is attacked, or had a monitor thrown at them , or stabbed & yes killed.


If you are going to knock it, don't base your opinions on one visit to the "jobby"


I know what you are saying Bypassblade, and I understand that staff should not be attacked etc, the "door men" are polite enough though their faces might crack if they had to smile :D

I just find the whole experience quite intimidating, I suppose its at the front of my mind as I was only there yesterday.

It isn't the only time that I have been with my friend though and it has always been the same, its not just the one experience... the people stood out in the street really gets to me, its as if they are dirt.


No experience of Job centres in Sheffield though so maybe its a one off?

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I know what you are saying Bypassblade, and I understand that staff should not be attacked etc, the "door men" are polite enough though their faces might crack if they had to smile :D

I just find the whole experience quite intimidating, I suppose its at the front of my mind as I was only there yesterday.

It isn't the only time that I have been with my friend though and it has always been the same, its not just the one experience... the people stood out in the street really gets to me, its as if they are dirt.


No experience of Job centres in Sheffield though so maybe its a one off?


Sorry MB didn't mean to sound so intimidating, it just gets to me that people not just you, are quick to knock the staff, without knowing what they have to put up with. Not only the public, but ridiculous targets & rules they are bound by & management that are constantly, on at them.

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Sorry MB didn't mean to sound so intimidating, it just gets to me that people not just you, are quick to knock the staff, without knowing what they have to put up with. Not only the public, but ridiculous targets & rules they are bound by & management that are constantly, on at them.


No its ok no worries :)


I do know that its not the nicest or easiest of jobs and not one that I would like if I'm honest, it all comes down to the Government/management doesn't it?


I wasn't trying to knock the staff as such, I know that like the rest of us they do as they are told...but something somewhere is wrong when people have to be treat as some kind of under class, to see them queuing and standing outside like that reminds me of the pictures of the depression in the 30's (was it? :hihi: ) surely there is no need to humiliate people like that, they must feel like dirt being publicly shamed like that.

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So what effect would increasing minimum wage (increasing the employers' costs and reducing the ability to compete) have on unemployment?


It would make it worse.


At times when there's millions of people unemployed it would actually make sense to lower the minimum wage to encourage companies to take more staff on (though of course this will only work if benefits are lowered too so you're always better off in a job than on the dole).

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It would make it worse.


At times when there's millions of people unemployed it would actually make sense to lower the minimum wage to encourage companies to take more staff on (though of course this will only work if benefits are lowered too so you're always better off in a job than on the dole).


The level of benefits is not the problem. It is the way in which they are withdrawn.

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Looking at the general economical topography where the rich/poor divide widens by the day, when trillions are idly hoarded in secretly hidden away in tax havens, It doesn't take a genius to see there is something very wrong with where we are headed and I don't think kicking people when they're down is much of a solution just a distraction from the glaringly obvious and yet largely unchallenged issues caused by corrupt and dishonest practices by the influential and affluent minority.

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No its ok no worries :)


I do know that its not the nicest or easiest of jobs and not one that I would like if I'm honest, it all comes down to the Government/management doesn't it?


I wasn't trying to knock the staff as such, I know that like the rest of us they do as they are told...but something somewhere is wrong when people have to be treat as some kind of under class, to see them queuing and standing outside like that reminds me of the pictures of the depression in the 30's (was it? :hihi: ) surely there is no need to humiliate people like that, they must feel like dirt being publicly shamed like that.


No you are right, but they are bound by rules set out when JC+ came into being :)

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