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Should all Team GB athletes sing God Save The Queen?

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That verse is not part of the anthem. (I'm not sure it ever was).


Indeed, I'm not sure that the anthem consists of anything more than the first verse of the original song.


It's part of God Save The Queen, according to the Telegraph. You're right though, it's not actually in the anthem. They made up a new second verse in the following link, but it's utter rubbish & nobody ever sings it.



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Why can't they sing Jerusalem; a great rousing song, or Abide with Me, like at cup finals I love that one. GSTQ no thanks, too outdated
Because they're both Christian hymns? So nobody would want to sing them either ... and you'd offend even more people than the present one manages to do?


They should either write a new one, or just bow to public pressure and go with LHG! :D It'd be like last night of the Proms everytime!

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Or ... what about someone setting this to some stirring music ... I've taken a few liberties editing old Will's words to make it more appealing to modern tastes, of course.


This bejewelled throne, this sceptred isle,

This earth of majesty, this seat of Mars,

This other Eden, this paradise,

This fortress built by Nature for herself

Against infection and the hand of war,

This happy breed, this little world,

This precious stone set in the silver sea,

Which serves it in the office of a wall

Or as a moat defensive to a house,

Against the envy of less happier lands,--

This blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this Britain!



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Because they're both Christian hymns? So nobody would want to sing them either ... and you'd offend even more people than the present one manages to do?


They should either write a new one, or just bow to public pressure and go with LHG! :D It'd be like last night of the Proms everytime!


Thought of LHG also, I love Jerusalem, and I think you'll find that almost everyone sings Abide with me @ cup final no bull either, just watch; you'll see singing & flag waving always brings a lump to the throat. :)

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I'm not going to say anything against Abide With Me as an emotionally inspirational song, but I don't think it's right for an anthem. A national anthem should be something uplifting.


Land of Hope and Glory would be an excellent choice. Indeed, I believe (an aging memory may be playing tricks on me) that at one time, the England team used to play this as their anthem at the Commonwealth Games.

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I'm not going to say anything against Abide With Me as an emotionally inspirational song, but I don't think it's right for an anthem. A national anthem should be something uplifting.


Land of Hope and Glory would be an excellent choice. Indeed, I believe (an aging memory may be playing tricks on me) that at one time, the England team used to play this as their anthem at the Commonwealth Games.


I think you are right

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