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Sheffield's Jess Ennis wins Olympic Gold!

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Absolutely brilliant, I'm sure we're all proud of her here in Sheffield.


I constantly read negative threads on here about things that are wrong with our city and usually they run to 4 or 5 pages minimum.


Well folks, here is a thread about what can be achieved through hard work and dedication.....let's see if we can make this a 4 page thread (minimum).


Well done Jess!!






PS. I was posting on another thread but that seems to have been pulled.....Do the forum admin only allow negative threads about Sheffield on here?


This deserves a thread in the main Sheffield forum, not hidden away on the sporting forum.

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Absolutely brilliant, I'm sure we're all proud of her here in Sheffield.


I constantly read negative threads on here about things that are wrong with our city and usually they run to 4 or 5 pages minimum.


Well folks, here is a thread about what can be achieved through hard work and dedication.....let's see if we can make this a 4 page thread (minimum).


Well done Jess!!






PS. I was posting on another thread but that seems to have been pulled.....Do the forum admin only allow negative threads about Sheffield on here?


This deserves a thread in the main Sheffield forum, not hidden away on the sporting forum.


No threads have been pulled- they were merely merged into the already existing thread on the same topic.

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