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Is kickboxing a martial art ?

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In my humble opinion when it comes to martial arts/self defense, its something along these lines.


If you throw a stone at a dog, the dog will attack the stone. If you throw a stone at a wolf, the wolf will attack the person who threw the stone.


If you throw a brick at a domestic cat, the cat will start biting the brick. If you throw a brick at a lion, the lion will bite the person who threw the brick.


Can you domesticate a fight? I don't think you can


So what happens if you throw a stone at a kickboxer??:hihi:

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i think any style with kicking and punching is martial arts and the use ov knees and elbows.


Thats exactly what we teach at AFK, Punches (Boxing style) , Kicks (both the Powerful Muay Thai style kicks and the Flashier and Faster Karate/Taekwondo type kicks), Elbows , Knees both with and without the clinch.


This is what we did for example in a Beginners Class last night at AFK :


Jab-Cross, both basic punches from Boxing.

Jab-Cross- Roundhouse kick (The kick delivered thai style with the shin)


Clinch and Knee , unbalancing and turning the padholder in the clinch before delivering the knee.


Clinch, knee and Elbow to finish.


Those are just examples of Techniques taught at AFK Kickboxing in our Beginners classes.

There are more examples of what could be taught on our website:


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A martial art is a set of coordinated & physical manoeuvres of defense or attack with out using weapons. Kickboxing fits into this but is a modern American version of traditional mauy Thai or Thai boxing as its more known


Kickboxing is actually Japanese, it was started off by Osamu Noguchi but thats another story ;)


Kickboxing can be :


1. A martial art


2. An Exciting Combat sport


3. A brand new Fitness craze.


Kickboxing has someone for everyone.


For details of your nearest kickboxing club, get in touch on :

07775 914155

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  • 2 weeks later...
Kickboxing is actually Japanese, it was started off by Osamu Noguchi but thats another story ;)


Kickboxing can be :


1. A martial art


2. An Exciting Combat sport


3. A brand new Fitness craze.


Kickboxing has someone for everyone.


For details of your nearest kickboxing club, get in touch on :

07775 914155


AFK Kickboxing definitely has my seal of approval ;)

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