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Shafilea Ahmed's parents are found guilty of her murder

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The police wouldn't have let him take the rap for her even if he'd wanted to.


Like everyone else, I'm glad these despicable people have been brought to account.

totally agree but it is equally disgusting that a mindset of certain faiths and communities actually support " honour " killings, the percentage that quietly condone it is probably larger than most think!

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Shafilea Ahmed's parents have been found guilty of her murder.




She went missing nine years ago, aged 17. her remains were found in a suitcase 6 months later.


Good verdict on a disgusting crime


What happened to parents loving and cherishing their children?


Marvellous verdict, that poor lass what she endured; and what her sister has had to endure since, may she Rest In Peace now.

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These two deserve the sentences as there was no need to kill her, if they couldn't agree with how she was living her life why not just disown her?

Someone I knows sister ran off with a lad about 20yrs ago, they couldn't accept this so after offering her a chance to home and forget about this lad which she refused they disowned her.


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These two deserve the sentences as there was no need to kill her, if they couldn't agree with how she was living her life why not just disown her?

Someone I knows sister ran off with a lad about 20yrs ago, they couldn't accept this so after offering her a chance to home and forget about this lad which she refused they disowned her.



I agree, one of my son’s friends was disowned because she refused to marry her parent’s choice of partner.


Very sad that someone can even disown their child let alone kill them.

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totally agree but it is equally disgusting that a mindset of certain faiths and communities actually support " honour " killings, the percentage that quietly condone it is probably larger than most think!

here we go, theres always one :rolleyes:

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Her sister told the police what she witnessed two years ago. I understand that all the other siblings have refused to corroborate her story. I wonder what would have happend if the 'mother' hadn't tried to get off by dropping the 'father' in it. How many siblings are there? Are they still defending the parents?


They are despicable people who managed to live with their deed for years before it caught up with them.

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here we go, theres always one :rolleyes:


Quietly condoning isn't the same as replicating. The problem from a condoning perspective is probably true. As long as you quietly condone (turn a blind eye) incidents like this will be repeated.


Glad to see this vile excuse for a mother put away..equally glad to see a pathetic excuse for a father also receive the same. The murder was committed in front of their four children it seems..they must have been absolutely racked with fear.


I don't know how much the judges hands were tied on the sentencing but IMO they got off lightly.

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