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Shafilea Ahmed's parents are found guilty of her murder

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It is an interesting subject but if your moral values are born from a belief that your "honour" precedes anything including the well being of your children, and that belief is condoned and supported by the community you live within, then this incident should come as no surprise. What we need is the younger generation to rebel from indoctrination..not an easy one when it begins from birth.


Not only should we encourage youngsters to rebel, but give them a sense of security and support while doing so. I guess it's difficult when you feel you have no one to run to (because part of that indoctrination is a suspicion of anything outside your clan)..especially when you're in total fear.


Unfortunately when the result of rebellion is being murdered you're unlikely to get many who rebel so it's a self propogating activity - it's designed to prevent exactly the rebellion of which you speak which is why it is so entrenched and difficult to get rid of.

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Unfortunately when the result of rebellion is being murdered you're unlikely to get many who rebel so it's a self propogating activity - it's designed to prevent exactly the rebellion of which you speak which is why it is so entrenched and difficult to get rid of.


Yes I agree..worse if you're in a rural community in Pakistan though. Here you at least are raised partially outside the family (school etc) which is in itself a framework for an influencing effect. I'm not naive as to expect overnight changes but many positive things we now enjoy were started as 'chipping away at the sides'.

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Her sister told the police what she witnessed two years ago. I understand that all the other siblings have refused to corroborate her story. I wonder what would have happend if the 'mother' hadn't tried to get off by dropping the 'father' in it. How many siblings are there? Are they still defending the parents?


They are despicable people who managed to live with their deed for years before it caught up with them.


The news item I saw relating to this stated that the young lady was murdered in front of her four siblings. I am assuming this was to show them what would happen if they considered doing the same thing.


It did not mention the age of the siblings, but the sister that reported it was the eldest among them. They have lived with that terrible sight for over seven years.It must have haunted their dreams at night and never been far away during the day. Who knows what damage this had done to them psychologically.


So in effect they took the life of their beautiful, eldest daughter just as she was blossoming into adulthood and damaged, for life probably ,the four siblings.


I hope they rot in jail.

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who you talking about?

criminals come from all backgrounds, cultures, etc


The couple that killed their daughter because their belief placed honour above the life of their children, they had this belief before committing murder so their belief had nothing to do with criminals, they only became criminal after they acted on their belief.

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The couple that killed their daughter because their belief placed honour above the life of their children, they had this belief before committing murder so their belief had nothing to do with criminals, they only became criminal after they acted on their belief.

a criminals a criminal never mind background, its something already there, theres plenty of muslims with a muslim belief system that DOESNT kill, i know its hard for you lot to comprehend

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