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Why Do Certain People Have Such A Hatred Towards The Police

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I have always been brought up to respect others, your elders and especially the Police. Why is it other people are bringing their children up not to respect the Police??, when I was growing up I was scared of the Police I know if I brought them to my parents door I would have got a clip round the earhole from my mother. Not in front of the Policeman as smacking your children is unacceptable hmmm, hmmm that is for another topic thread another time lol.


You see people now who have no regard for the Police and just flaunt the law, they don`t care and have this hatred towards the Police and I cannot understand why?? my opinion is the only people who hate the Police are those who commit crimes and then are peeved that they get caught. Someone has set up several hate pages on facebook saying We Hate The Police and several others I cannot remember saying how the Poilce are pigs and scum and pictures depicting the Poilce as the enemy. I have reported these pages several times as I find them very offensive and cannot understand before now, why they have not been removed and the perpitrators dealt with as when you set up a group your name is on it. But then they could have set the group up under a psuedonym, set up another account under that name so if they have an account with their proper name on it cannot be traced back to them.


What is wrong with society today??, if even parents are against the Police. I think it is ignorance and a hate for authority that people have a dislike towards the Police, they are only doing their job and where would we be without them?? I know I would rather have them than not, it still baffles me why people are so against them. :);)

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I do not break the law and i also do not like the police.


They have become a fascist organisation and all too many of them think that the little badge and uniform they wear makes them above everybody else.


I have a healthy respect for what they do but have yet to meet a nice one.

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It is strange - on an individual level I admire courage and tenacity of some of our police officers & I know that I wouldn't have the patience to deal with what they sometimes have to put up with.

However when cases like that of Ian Tomlinson or Sean Rigg come to light I do feel very angry that so many people have died at their hands, or in their 'care' (about 1,500 since 1986) yet there has never been a prosecution since 1986. The feeling that there is 'one rule for them, and one rule for us' is real and widespread.

Like you, I believe that we are as a society better with them than without them, but that doesn't mean to say that our support must be uncritical.

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Of course they should be held accountable when they do wrong,and it does happen,but they have a very difficult job,give credit where its due.They're are a always going to be a few bad apples as in every profession.

Where would we without them to protect us,and they're should be more of them.

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I do not break the law and i also do not like the police.


They have become a fascist organisation and all too many of them think that the little badge and uniform they wear makes them above everybody else.


I have a healthy respect for what they do but have yet to meet a nice one.

At the time of the Miners' Strike, the best question was this:

"Your house has been burgled. To whom do you address your report for law-enforcement: the NUM?!"

Like it or not, you/we all need the Police. Lack of respect for authority is not nowadays confined to theirs, I regret.

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It's not so much the blatant haters that I find problematic - it's pretty clear that they feel they have a reason for their opinions, and they are easy to spot and avoid.


More damage is done by the creeping undermining effect of the widely held and constantly stated belief that "The police don't do their job of catching burglars/sorting out my nuisance neighbours/moving on the teenagers from the local park because they are too busy going after easy targets like the poor hounded motorist exceeding the speed limit by a minute amount in the safest possible manner".


It's quite often uttered by the same people who say that "Teachers could never hack it in the real world and are a bunch of overpaid idlers"




"Benefit claimants are scum. It's really unfair that I might not inherit mum's house because she can afford to contribute to the cost of the care she requires."


These are the grudges of people with an over-developed sense of entitlement.

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