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Why Do Certain People Have Such A Hatred Towards The Police

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I do not break the law and i also do not like the police.


They have become a fascist organisation and all too many of them think that the little badge and uniform they wear makes them above everybody else.


I have a healthy respect for what they do but have yet to meet a nice one.


That is interesting Lucy, I don`t think they are fascist as such, they have to make their authority known to people, otherwise their purpose for doing what they do would not work I don`t think. :);)

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The issue boils down to trust, and for various reasons more and more people are now less trusting of anyone in authority, not just the Police.


I agree cardoor what is needed I think is to restore that trust between the authorities and others in society, what do you think??. :);)

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People who hate the police are idiots.


i sometimes watch COPS on television, and i now believe they think they are film stars. they think more about thier make up and thier acting careers than thier police work. when they arrest somone they are more violent than any criminal. they use violence even when they are arresting motorists. im sorry but most of the police on these programs are worse than the people they are arresting. some of them should be arrested for thier excesive use of violence. i used to have respect for our police and the difficult job they have to do, but now i veiw most them as common thugs not to be trusted.

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Of course they should be held accountable when they do wrong,and it does happen,but they have a very difficult job,give credit where its due.They're are a always going to be a few bad apples as in every profession.

Where would we without them to protect us,and they're should be more of them.


I agree Janie48, they are not perfect and do make mistakes. They are only human like us, the bad apples are in every profession sadly, it just seems that all Police are tarred with the same brush I think. :);)

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when we had a shop at woodhouse the police where always walking past and were a great bunch, we used to have a right laugh with them.


i cant say iv ever had any dealings with any bad ones but one of my blokes friends has. over about 20 years ago he was in town and had abit to much and was having a wee up a wall and the police come and threw him in the back of the van and pasted him :|

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Who do the police have hatred towards??. :);)


Protesters? Students? Homeless people? Internal affairs?


In response to your original question I don't think it has anything to with trust or anything like that. I just think it's that different professions attract and affirm certain behaviour traits and individuals prone to them. For example teachers: deathly boring people by nature :).

In the same way, people who like to wield authority and have power over others or act with virtual impunity are attracted to the police force. This makes them very easy to hate.



I was going to use people who worked/volunteered in Internet forums as an example but really don't want a 72hr ban :)

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It is strange - on an individual level I admire courage and tenacity of some of our police officers & I know that I wouldn't have the patience to deal with what they sometimes have to put up with.

However when cases like that of Ian Tomlinson or Sean Rigg come to light I do feel very angry that so many people have died at their hands, or in their 'care' (about 1,500 since 1986) yet there has never been a prosecution since 1986. The feeling that there is 'one rule for them, and one rule for us' is real and widespread.

Like you, I believe that we are as a society better with them than without them, but that doesn't mean to say that our support must be uncritical.


I agree Mister M Like I just said to Janie48 they have made mistakes, and should be held accountable for these mistakes as others would be with no exemption. I have just looked up the Ian Tomlinson case to refresh my memory, I remember now there was no excuse for that I agree, and an innocent man died there was no excuse. The Sean Rigg case again there was no excuse at all for that kind of behaviour, I have just read up about it as I could not remember it is so sad and I feel for the families of both the individuals in these cases. :);)

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I do not break the law and i also do not like the police.


They have become a fascist organisation and all too many of them think that the little badge and uniform they wear makes them above everybody else.


I have a healthy respect for what they do but have yet to meet a nice one.


You do not appear to understand the term facism,but they are certainly preoccupied with upholding the status quo.

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