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Bouncers at reflex


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I can't even get IN to Players...queued up to get in once and both me and my mate were wearing thick coats (as it was January and bloody freezing) and Converse - they point blank refused us entry, whereas the chavvy women behind us wearing hardly anything got in no question...sod the place!

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  • 1 month later...
Isn't it amazing how it's never your fault, like I said I was there inside and out all night about half an hour before you were ejected your lass was all over the bouncers like a rash, of course the y were probably fantastic lads then weren't they?, when it comes down to it, it's the word of 2 disgruntled drunk patrons against door staff doing their jobs, question, why would the bouncer go in your pocket and steal some tobacco?, I know what I saw, you saw it another way of course your way is going to be biased toward you, for your info it was the first time I'd been in reflex in around 3 months and as I said I was out having a cig at the time, anyway you asked if anyone was there and what they saw, you only reply to people who question your version of events, I'm not being funny mate but it looks like you or your lass has got someone to join sheff forum just to post on this thread. This will be the last post I put on here, I put what I saw you've put what you saw, both as valid as each other


no one has joined for our benefit i have no idea who these guys are and for the "all over them like a rash" comment she wanted to know if they knew a couple of people we knew and was only talking to them whilst they were being rude to her

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U need 2 get ur facts rite mate,it was a bottle taken out of ur back pocket,all doorstaff remained on the door wiv u approachin them aggressively numerous times,ur girlfriend then slapped the doorman while he had his hands in his POCKETS and a doorman in front of her tryin 2 move her away n he reacted defensively 2 protect himself,and then u tried 2 strike the doorman so u ended up on ur arse,n as for ur comment about 'he's a bouncer so he shud know wen 2 stop n not retaliate but then agen there scum' shudnt ur lass kno not 2 slap sum1 doin there job? Is she not scum? How wud u feel if he went 2 greggs where ur lass works n slapped her because he didnt agree wiv the price of a pasty? N the cctv doesnt disappear mate by law its kept for 28 days,n ur little "investigation" wiv no police is a joke,bet them lads are shakin in their boots.only thing that will come out of that is that you'll learn 2 stay well away n stop bein drunken idiots droppin names.


1. it was baccy 2. i walked to about a meter and a half away from them and talked with my hands behind my back he had to step out to push me 3. defensively would have been to just hold her hands down or gesture her away as the officer said the day after and other bouncers 4. she was in my corner and reacted in a way a civilian would not someone who should know better after training 5. whats Greggs n pasty price got to do with it 6. the CCTV HAS!!! magically disappeared because it didn't go in the staffs favor 7. shaking in their boots they're not there any more are they! 8. we'll go and get drunk where we want to we have no history of any ejection or refused entry so it makes you wonder who is the "idiot" so getyour facts right

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1. it was baccy 2. i walked to about a meter and a half away from them and talked with my hands behind my back he had to step out to push me 3. defensively would have been to just hold her hands down or gesture her away as the officer said the day after and other bouncers 4. she was in my corner and reacted in a way a civilian would not someone who should know better after training 5. whats Greggs n pasty price got to do with it 6. the CCTV HAS!!! magically disappeared because it didn't go in the staffs favor 7. shaking in their boots they're not there any more are they! 8. we'll go and get drunk where we want to we have no history of any ejection or refused entry so it makes you wonder who is the "idiot" so getyour facts right


Don't worry about it. I believe you. The Bouncers in there have, shall we say . . A certain reputation. One in particular.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 year later...

No idiots no bouncers simple !


We are there for everyone's safety and well being, when people act like children and try to hit each other with glasses and kick each other in the head where would you be without us ?


If I could tape you when you are drunk and play it back to you when you are sober, you would realise how stupid, vulnerable and argumentative you really are. Think about this when you are judging a doorman!

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