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Conflict in Syria.

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You missed the obvious trick. Sell *both* sides weapons. It's their war, but you may as well make a bob or two and if you sell to both sides you are guaranteed that the winner will be mildy annoyed at you, which is better usually than the 50% chance the winner will hate your guts so much they send over the exploding shock troops....


Or am I being far far too cynical?


Not cynical enough - and you've missed a major opportunity!


Sell them the weapons and sell them a training package to go with it, too! (it's called 'insurance.')


F'rinstance: If you're teaching fighter/interceptor pilots evasive manoeuvres, you need to teach them to be able to perform the manoeuvre automatically.


If somebody is on their arse, they don't have time to think. They must react automatically.


So you teach them a very effective manoeuvre which they learn and practice so frequently it becomes second nature. An automatic response.


You never ever teach anybody everything you know, do you?


If you knew he was going to break left and dive when you came up behind him,would it make life easier? :hihi:

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Actually no .


Syria has been very stable and had seen good economic increases .



Syria is the ONLY nation in the middle east were minority's were protected and lived freely in harmony for millennia .



Guess al-Qaeda / rebels / will put a end too that -


Guess they are already started :




Alqueda destroying church's in Syria - best we send them more money and gear ?

Minonority's are not getting much of a mention in the media, though,i did hear some reference on the BBC about the 2million christians who go back centuries there,it stated that they had always lived peaefully along side Muslims until the recent crisis,and that now they too were divided as a group,with more supporting the regime because they feared the rebels more.


More on here> http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702303644004577524653025270434.html


I havn't heard anything about the atheists there either,perhaps they have more sense and are keeping quiet about who they are.

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It's against international law too fund either side of a civil war . Something the western powers have been doing from day one .


The story about the Russian helicopters was as that Russia had refurbished the machines before delivering them back .


Any how how could you possibly support al-aqueda in this instance ?



I remember I / we used too laugh at the people who used too claim Binladen was working with the CIA , and all those other stories .

Guess they weren't that far off now were they ?




Saudi = birth place of al-queda

Saudi = USA bests ally and biggest weapons buyer ?


Strange do you think ?


Keep arming both sides, let them kill each other off and maybe then we'll have stability in the region.

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Leave them to it.
Sounds callous, but it's the most practical option. The only morally correct thing to do would be to send massive forces in to keep the peace for as long as democracy takes to establish itself, which could be generations. It may also be necessary to divide the country according to sect, and probably move a few million people, given that they cannot realistically live side-by-side. That's obviously not going to happen, so yes, let's leave them to it! :thumbsup:
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Keep arming both sides, let them kill each other off and maybe then we'll have stability in the region.


The NOT so funny thing was that , Syria was stable


Syria was a tolerant civil nation ,


So much so it was for a fact the MOST tolerant nation in the entire middle east .


Until the American and Saudi backed death squads and terrorists started too flood into the country all was well and fine.




So no I rather people don't kill each other as supporting terrorism DOES not befinfit any one .


Arming terrorists is against so many laws I'm sure you are aware of that ? Aren't you ?

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Sounds callous, but it's the most practical option. The only morally correct thing to do would be to send massive forces in to keep the peace for as long as democracy takes to establish itself, which could be generations. It may also be necessary to divide the country according to sect, and probably move a few million people, given that they cannot realistically live side-by-side. That's obviously not going to happen, so yes, let's leave them to it! :thumbsup:


Few million flooding into Europe ?


Guess you can't complain about immigrants then can you ?



Assad has made more reforms than most Arab dictatorships .


The only reason Syria is being attacked by western proxi al-queda rabel is that Syria refused too sign a peace surrender with lovely sunshine Isreal .

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Minonority's are not getting much of a mention in the media, though,i did hear some reference on the BBC about the 2million christians who go back centuries there,it stated that they had always lived peaefully along side Muslims until the recent crisis,and that now they too were divided as a group,with more supporting the regime because they feared the rebels more.


More on here> http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702303644004577524653025270434.html


I havn't heard anything about the atheists there either,perhaps they have more sense and are keeping quiet about who they are.



Al-aqueda have already started destroying churches and targeting Christians .


Guess Hague better send the terrorists more money?

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