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Conflict in Syria.

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I must admit I lose whatever sympathy I may have had for the rebels when tv/video/phone coverage shows them shrieking "Allahu Akbar" all the time.


Hmmm......despotic madman versus Saudi backed Islamists......difficult choice!


Footage of them executing captives doesn't win them many friends,either. (The Beeb stopped short of the actual shooting and said "there was gunfire then there were bodies lying on the ground.")


I wonder how many (and which) nations will be pressing for war crimes trials when it's over?

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I doubt if we'll be involved this time. We're in the middle of a recession, the USA isn't looking to get involved militarily, people are tired of British soldiers getting killed for no obvious reason and Blair isn't PM anymore.




If you had family or close friends in the Forces, you may have a different opinion over us getting involved.


If Syria kicks off, bet your savings we will be there in some form or another.



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[quote=ANGELFIRE1;9082459...If Syria kicks off, bet your savings we will be there in some form or another.




I don't see why. AFAIK, we have no defence treaty with Syria and we have no strategic interest there, either.


Assad may be a nasty, despotic little turd, but in that, he's probably not unique in that part of the world.


I think (and my opinion isn't worth a bucket of warm spit) that the UK should've kept its nose out of Libya. Gaddhafi was a nasty piece of work, but what is Libya like now he's gone? Has it suddenly changed into a democracy where everything is 'sweetness and light'?


Have the Libyans decided we are their 'bestest friends ever'? They're worth a few bob (and they've got a lot of oil.) What are they doing to recompense the countries which helped them to dump Gaddhafi?


I might've been (slightly) more altruistic when I was younger, but as I get older (and even more cynical) I'm coming to believe that international relations should be driven more by 'mutual benefit' than by ideology.


What are the Syrians fighting about?


Are the Syrian rebels committed to democracy, sworn to overthrow Assad's dictatorship and to free their people to allow them to elect the government they want? - Somehow, I doubt it.


Are the Syrian rebels fighting to overthrow Assad because they think it's time that his brand of dictatorship was replaced with their brand of dictatorship? - Could be.


Are the Syrian rebels of different tribes to Assad?


Are the Syrian rebels adherents to a different sect of Islam?


Eventually, after the Western World had 'saved' Iraq from Saddam Hussein al Takriti and after the oil started to flow, the Iraqis signed their first major oil contract.


Did they sign that contract with a Western company? - Did they hell. The first major contract went to the Chinese - who had kept their noses out.


Perhaps it's time that the Western world learnt a lesson from the big power in the East.

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Syria like Libya has oil, and should be under the control of the US. In fact in Africa where the US in involved in half a dozen wars all involving oil producing nations. Iran has the most and has the cheek to defy the US, who will nuke it, if is necessary, to control the oil, or as they call it energy resources.


So war costs money, as in weapons, feeding and training the fighters, and so on. So who is funding the freedom murderers you might ask, or training the murder squads, as out of work idiots and potential fanatical idealist sign up for potential plunder. How does one for instance create terror, slaughter for media coverage, and propaganda effect, and why?


We in the UK, like in Libya have chosen the side to back, regardless of who they are, the rights of the cause, or the effect of the bias. Libya is now a lawless, bloody killing zone where tribal groups kill each other, as they compete for something to do. Being on the loosing side, as in the wrong tribal affiliations, means prison, torture and then slaughter. So mass killings of the innocent bystander caught up in the conflict is all the rage. Is it reported on our media....NO! We just want the oil and the puppet government is showered in billions to comply, everyone has their price, while the country disintegrates into a living hell.


Syria defies the US, thus the propaganda machine is working full time, regardless of the truth. The bias is overwhelming as no one questions so called facts. Slaughtering, cutting throats of women and children is what the Syrian government troops do, because we are told they do, by politicians backing the chosen opposition, trying to get into power. Strangely Iraq is the country where atrocities, such as these were invented. They are a product of Iraq imported into Syria, and used to effect. Strangely fighters from Iraq are part of the new liberating army, backed by the rich and powerful. Maybe they are teaching the Syrian army how to get media attention?


Who is training these mercenary "freedom fighters" providing weapons, communications, as in radio links to western intelligence where satellite surveillance is part of their itinerary? Who is the guiding hand pushing the invasion of the trained and weaponised into Syria.


If you want any truth regarding any situation, including Iran, Iraq, Libya and the rest, just ask yourself one question "WHO GAINS". If you can answer it, then you know who is causing the trouble, and then its a matter of finding out the reason/s.


Are the people of Libya free, living in a democracy, just like ours? Well no! or is that HELL NO! Who gained? What was there to gain? and who now profits from Libya?


It seems one can fool the people all of the time, thanks to media control, so Iraq was found to be a lie, as is now Libya, Afghanistan has been a series of changing lies as to why we are there, ….remember Bin Laden?...now dead and gone, was just one reason, the oil pipeline being the first. Once Syria is reduced like Libya to rubble, its onto the worst ever repressed nation since the creation of civilisation…Iraq, and after Iraq….well it has to be China, a threat to humanity if ever there was one, but that one is just on the back burner for a few years.

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Syria like Libya has oil, and should be under the control of the US. In fact in Africa where the US in involved in half a dozen wars all involving oil producing nations. Iran has the most and has the cheek to defy the US, who will nuke it, if is necessary, to control the oil, or as they call it energy resources.


So war costs money, as in weapons, feeding and training the fighters, and so on. So who is funding the freedom murderers you might ask, or training the murder squads, as out of work idiots and potential fanatical idealist sign up for potential plunder. How does one for instance create terror, slaughter for media coverage, and propaganda effect, and why?


We in the UK, like in Libya have chosen the side to back, regardless of who they are, the rights of the cause, or the effect of the bias. Libya is now a lawless, bloody killing zone where tribal groups kill each other, as they compete for something to do. Being on the loosing side, as in the wrong tribal affiliations, means prison, torture and then slaughter. So mass killings of the innocent bystander caught up in the conflict is all the rage. Is it reported on our media....NO! We just want the oil and the puppet government is showered in billions to comply, everyone has their price, while the country disintegrates into a living hell.


Syria defies the US, thus the propaganda machine is working full time, regardless of the truth. The bias is overwhelming as no one questions so called facts. Slaughtering, cutting throats of women and children is what the Syrian government troops do, because we are told they do, by politicians backing the chosen opposition, trying to get into power. Strangely Iraq is the country where atrocities, such as these were invented. They are a product of Iraq imported into Syria, and used to effect. Strangely fighters from Iraq are part of the new liberating army, backed by the rich and powerful. Maybe they are teaching the Syrian army how to get media attention?


Who is training these mercenary "freedom fighters" providing weapons, communications, as in radio links to western intelligence where satellite surveillance is part of their itinerary? Who is the guiding hand pushing the invasion of the trained and weaponised into Syria.


If you want any truth regarding any situation, including Iran, Iraq, Libya and the rest, just ask yourself one question "WHO GAINS". If you can answer it, then you know who is causing the trouble, and then its a matter of finding out the reason/s.


Are the people of Libya free, living in a democracy, just like ours? Well no! or is that HELL NO! Who gained? What was there to gain? and who now profits from Libya?


It seems one can fool the people all of the time, thanks to media control, so Iraq was found to be a lie, as is now Libya, Afghanistan has been a series of changing lies as to why we are there, ….remember Bin Laden?...now dead and gone, was just one reason, the oil pipeline being the first. Once Syria is reduced like Libya to rubble, its onto the worst ever repressed nation since the creation of civilisation…Iraq, and after Iraq….well it has to be China, a threat to humanity if ever there was one, but that one is just on the back burner for a few years.



Your typing speed as usual is about 5 gears ahead of your brain. There's only one villain in the world of course according to you

The US imports around 15 percent or a little more of it's oil from the middle east, the rest comes from Canada, Venezuela or from domestic production. Europe, China, India and most of the rest of the world rely mainly on middle east oil. Russia is self sufficient


If Iran went ahead with it's threats to block the Straits of Hormuz the price of a gallon of petrol in the US might conceivably hit an all time high of over six dollars a gallon for the cheapest grade and there might just be some form of limited rationing but at least it would be availabe at the gas pump whereas the UK, Europe, China, India Japan et al would be completely and royally screwed.


So try and get it through your noggin for once that theres much more to the pcture that your innacurate and senseless anti-US rants

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My Bold=


What about the Saudi's and Qatari's covertly supplying arms to the rebels? I don't see the rest of the world condeming them do you?

If Putin wants to support Assad he will as I don't think him or China really care what the rest think.


The Saudi's and Qataris dont manufacture killer gunships, supersonic fighter jets, high powered artillery and other state of the art weaponry. Whatever they send to the rebels is small beans compared to what Russia is sending to Assad and Russia and China being on the UN security council and making it clear to any cynic that their only interest in Syria is to continue to reap the financial benefits from supplying the stuff to a genocidal, power hungry maniac makes them the main target for all the shytte they're are currently getting from the rest of the UN and the press in general... and deservedly so

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Syria like Libya has oil, and should be under the control of the US. In fact in Africa where the US in involved in half a dozen wars all involving oil producing nations. Iran has the most and has the cheek to defy the US, who will nuke it, if is necessary, to control the oil, or as they call it energy resources.


So war costs money, as in weapons, feeding and training the fighters, and so on. So who is funding the freedom murderers you might ask, or training the murder squads, as out of work idiots and potential fanatical idealist sign up for potential plunder. How does one for instance create terror, slaughter for media coverage, and propaganda effect, and why?


We in the UK, like in Libya have chosen the side to back, regardless of who they are, the rights of the cause, or the effect of the bias. Libya is now a lawless, bloody killing zone where tribal groups kill each other, as they compete for something to do. Being on the loosing side, as in the wrong tribal affiliations, means prison, torture and then slaughter. So mass killings of the innocent bystander caught up in the conflict is all the rage. Is it reported on our media....NO! We just want the oil and the puppet government is showered in billions to comply, everyone has their price, while the country disintegrates into a living hell.


Syria defies the US, thus the propaganda machine is working full time, regardless of the truth. The bias is overwhelming as no one questions so called facts. Slaughtering, cutting throats of women and children is what the Syrian government troops do, because we are told they do, by politicians backing the chosen opposition, trying to get into power. Strangely Iraq is the country where atrocities, such as these were invented. They are a product of Iraq imported into Syria, and used to effect. Strangely fighters from Iraq are part of the new liberating army, backed by the rich and powerful. Maybe they are teaching the Syrian army how to get media attention?


Who is training these mercenary "freedom fighters" providing weapons, communications, as in radio links to western intelligence where satellite surveillance is part of their itinerary? Who is the guiding hand pushing the invasion of the trained and weaponised into Syria.


If you want any truth regarding any situation, including Iran, Iraq, Libya and the rest, just ask yourself one question "WHO GAINS". If you can answer it, then you know who is causing the trouble, and then its a matter of finding out the reason/s.


Are the people of Libya free, living in a democracy, just like ours? Well no! or is that HELL NO! Who gained? What was there to gain? and who now profits from Libya?


It seems one can fool the people all of the time, thanks to media control, so Iraq was found to be a lie, as is now Libya, Afghanistan has been a series of changing lies as to why we are there, ….remember Bin Laden?...now dead and gone, was just one reason, the oil pipeline being the first. Once Syria is reduced like Libya to rubble, its onto the worst ever repressed nation since the creation of civilisation…Iraq, and after Iraq….well it has to be China, a threat to humanity if ever there was one, but that one is just on the back burner for a few years.


Tell you what, it's good to hear what's going on in Libya from someone who has just got back, rather than relying on aunty beeb.


Glad youre safe.

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The Saudi's and Qataris dont manufacture killer gunships, supersonic fighter jets, high powered artillery and other state of the art weaponry. Whatever they send to the rebels is small beans compared to what Russia is sending to Assad and Russia and China being on the UN security council and making it clear to any cynic that their only interest in Syria is to continue to reap the financial benefits from supplying the stuff to a genocidal, power hungry maniac makes them the main target for all the shytte they're are currently getting from the rest of the UN and the press in general... and deservedly so


The Saudis and Qataris are dictatorship countries.Should the world invade them to free the people as some who believe western media believe is the case in Syria.


I wonder what Syria, Iraq and Iran have in common from warmongers.


Europe just wants the $10 billion pipeline that goes from Iran's south pars field through Iraq and Syria to stop being held hostage by Russian gas supplies.

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Syria like Libya has oil, and should be under the control of the US. In fact in Africa where the US in involved in half a dozen wars all involving oil producing nations. Iran has the most and has the cheek to defy the US, who will nuke it, if is necessary, to control the oil, or as they call it energy resources.


So ... the US is going to bomb Iran to protect US oil imports from Iran, is it?


The US doesn't import any oil from Iran. It doesn't import oil from Libya, either.


Nor does the US import oil from Syria.


The US does import oil - lots of oil. In Sep 2011 the US imported (thousands of barrels per day):


1465 from Saudi Arabia

403 from Iraq

145 from Kuwait

72 from Oman.


Total daily import from Middle-Eastern countries: 2085 thousand barrels.


In the same month, the US imported 6454 thousand barrels of oil from non middle eastern countries.


The Middle East is an important source of oil for the US - but it's not a vital source of oil.


The US could probably increase its imports from other countries (notably Canada and Mexico) increase production from its own oil fields, increase massively its production of bio-fuels and wave two fingers at the Middle Eastern suppliers.


Remind me again why the US is so interested in protecting its oil imports (totalling zero barrels a day) from Iran, Libya and Syria?


Syria's oil production is declining and the country is expected to be a net importer of oil within the next decade or so. If 'oil' is the reason for the interest in Syria, the timing is pretty poor.


There are, of course, countries which do rely on Libyan and Iranian oil. - But they are not called the United states of America.


(Why on earth would the US want to spend tax-payers' money and manpower protecting oil supplies for other countries? - Some people within the US are beginning to wonder about that.)


Should the US decide to accelerate the move towards independence from middle-eastern oil supplies, then significant amounts of agricultural land would have to be used to produce bio-fuels. That would put up food costs in the US, but there would still be enough to feed the country.


Pity about the exports, though.


Never mind! - Other countries could grow their own food and become independent of US grain supplies.

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The Saudis and Qataris are dictatorship countries.Should the world invade them to free the people as some who believe western media believe is the case in Syria.


I wonder what Syria, Iraq and Iran have in common from warmongers.


Europe just wants the $10 billion pipeline that goes from Iran's south pars field through Iraq and Syria to stop being held hostage by Russian gas supplies.


You say the Saudis and the Qauraris are dictorships. I say they're not. They are states that are ruled under strict islamic law and it seems that the Saudis and Quataris are quite happy with that state of affairs and in general enjoying the benefits of the riches from oil production. They may not be democracies in the sense that a westerner thinks of but that doesnt matter. They probably think we're all a bunch of sinners and degenerates on the fast road to hell.


Syria and Iraq on the other hand are/were rulled by members of a tribe that passed very little prosperity down to the majority of the people who made up other tribes.


Assad gave nothing to his people and many of them exist in near poverty Unlike the Saudis and Qataris the average Syrian dont have an imported servant from Pakistan and the Phillipines to cook his meals, do his laundry and wipe his ass. Assad and Saddam were more inclined to be secular when it came to religion but they ruled like medieval despots nevertheless so comparing Saudi to the likes of Syria and Ghadaffi's Libya makes no sense.

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