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Things are the way they are .. and there isn't anything we can do?

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You know, I was thinking, on the way in to work ... that


we suspect that those at the top are abusing their position of power, milking the system for their own benefit, and passing the costs on to us and future generations. We'll have to work harder for less, while those who have messed things up, give themselves an ever larger share of the pie.


but we do nothing. we feel powerless.


Now imagine that ... you worked for a company where those at the top messed things up ... and made us work harder and longer for less, while they gave themselves an ever larger share of the pie ...


Now imagine that ... your partner didn't work, but spent your money on their pleasure, forcing you to work longer with less for yourself.


Not many would allow themselves to be a doormat in the last situation. It doesn't feel good to be rendered powerless does it?


I guess many of us feel powerless at work and so don't rock the boat for fear of our jobs.


I guess the majority have lost all faith that the democracy we value so highly can actually deliver anything like we'd expect.


It doesn't feel good to be rendered powerless does it?


What IF there was a different way?


What if we didn't succumb to the status quo, nor protest or revolt ... but used new technology to harness The Wisdom of Crowds?


Things are evolving fast ... technology is changing the way we communicate.


What if, rather than despairing over representative democracy, we experimented with direct democracy?


That's my dream ... work has begun ... but there is a long way to go ...


I'm inspired by Andy Dufresne in Shawshank ....


"Andy loved geology. I imagine it appealed to his meticulous nature. An ice age here, a million years of mountain-building there, plates of bedrock grinding against each other over a span of millennia... Geology is the study of pressure and time. That's all it takes, really. Pressure and time."

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