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Boris Johnson for PM

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I wouldn't write off Cameron just yet. The Tories are just 2 points adrift in the polls this week. In November 2009 the Tories had a 17 point lead just 6 months before the election. There is a thing called encumbent swing. It is caused by folk deciding to stick with the devil they know, but is mainly due to the party in power having the ability to strip the cupboard bare in bribes to the electorate on the run up to the polls. With the economy enjoying a bit of a boom at the moment I could see rather a lot of sugar being available come Christmas. Then there's the Miliband factor..;)


---------- Post added 11-08-2014 at 09:54 ----------



So Boris could never get elected as London Mayor or anything like that?


Trying to be objective as possible ( I tend to vote Tory anyway), I really cant see Milliband as PM. I think the Labour party needs root and branch changes before it can ever be considered for government.


---------- Post added 11-08-2014 at 09:03 ----------


if Boris makes it to be an MP, then his chance to be leader will come after the 2015 election and Cameron would only go if he lost that election.


any sort of coalition with ukip would essentially be a merger/takeover by the conservatives and that would instantly alienate the traditional labour voters who dalliance with ukip is a way of giving the labour party a metaphorical kicking.


ukip as a force would be doomed! in addition the ukip crazies who bring us so much pleasure would likely force a split in the conservative at least as damaging as that which destroyed the labour party in the 1980s.


Really cant see Tories merging with UKIP, I think they actually regard Nigel as an irritation rather than a serious player. Cameron has moved to take some of the UKIP ground I cant visualize Nigel being regarded as a serious candidate for PM in an election for parliament. I think that the Tories feel if they ignore them long enough they will eventually fade away.

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Trying to be objective as possible ( I tend to vote Tory anyway), I really cant see Milliband as PM. I think the Labour party needs root and branch changes before it can ever be considered for government.


---------- Post added 11-08-2014 at 09:03 ----------



Really cant see Tories merging with UKIP, I think they actually regard Nigel as an irritation rather than a serious player. Cameron has moved to take some of the UKIP ground I cant visualize Nigel being regarded as a serious candidate for PM in an election for parliament. I think that the Tories feel if they ignore them long enough they will eventually fade away.


There are a lot of parellels with 1992. Going into the election Labour had a consistent poll lead of anything up to 6 points. They also had a leader who had the charisma of a pilchard. In the election John Major (another leader without too much flair) led the Tories to a 7 point victory.


I'm not sure what effect UKIP will have. My instinct tells me they will ride high in the polls but then poll badly as the voters who said they were going to protest didn't. That's the usual thing when it comes to a GE.

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There are a lot of parellels with 1992. Going into the election Labour had a consistent poll lead of anything up to 6 points. They also had a leader who had the charisma of a pilchard. In the election John Major (another leader without too much flair) led the Tories to a 7 point victory.


I'm not sure what effect UKIP will have. My instinct tells me they will ride high in the polls but then poll badly as the voters who said they were going to protest didn't. That's the usual thing when it comes to a GE.


Whats this protest you speak of?


Maybe people WILL vote for them cos they want to more than they want to vote for what the others are offering which is the same old b/s which people have had more than enough of.

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My only reservations about Boris is that he is not as daft as he makes himself out to be and could easily use his perceived retardation as an excuse as he blindly walks us into some war somewhere like Bush did in the US.


In fact him being PM would be like Sarah Paylin becoming President.

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My only reservations about Boris is that he is not as daft as he makes himself out to be and could easily use his perceived retardation as an excuse as he blindly walks us into some war somewhere like Bush did in the US.


In fact him being PM would be like Sarah Paylin becoming President.


But like you said he isn't as daft as he makes himself out to be. George bush was. Boris has a 2.1 from Oxford which isn't too shabby. So he's not a bit like Sarah Paylin who is as thick as a plank.

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My only reservations about Boris is that he is not as daft as he makes himself out to be and could easily use his perceived retardation as an excuse as he blindly walks us into some war somewhere like Bush did in the US.


In fact him being PM would be like Sarah Paylin becoming President.


You think the Oil man bush blindly led us into war which was to obtain oil?


Ha ha!!


Daft he/they aint!

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So that's someone other than Sarah Palin (chosen as Governor of Alaska by her electorate) then?


I guess that she can spell, at least.


Can spell what ?


If your referring to her name then I should hope she can. As you can spell it more than one way and I am not her then i hope you give me some slack ;)

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One thing Boris knows about is history. If he did become Tory leader I think he would reflect on the lessons of history to guide him, this is a very big asset.


If we don't learn the lessons of history we are bound to repeat them. Cant remember who said it but its true.

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