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Boris Johnson for PM

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There are a lot of parellels with 1992. Going into the election Labour had a consistent poll lead of anything up to 6 points. They also had a leader who had the charisma of a pilchard. In the election John Major (another leader without too much flair) led the Tories to a 7 point victory.


I'm not sure what effect UKIP will have. My instinct tells me they will ride high in the polls but then poll badly as the voters who said they were going to protest didn't. That's the usual thing when it comes to a GE.


There are indeed parallels with 1992. However I saw Kinnock as a definite possibility, I did not agree with the 1992 Labour manifesto at all, but at least with Kinnock and Hattersley you recognized ability and purpose. With Milliband and Balls I just don't see any ability at all. Indeed the entire Labour front bench is shocking. I tend to vote Conservative but I do not think democracy is well served when the opposition party or parties is so weak.

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. Boris has a 2.1 from Oxford which isn't too shabby. So he's not a bit like Sarah Paylin who is as thick as a plank.

Academic achievement is only one dimension of intelligence. I know university professors who have difficulty using toilet paper. Still, I recognise their achievements, but I'd prefer someone more grounded with some common sense.


Like I said days ago, I cannot work out if the boris buffoonery is an act or for real.

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Academic achievement is only one dimension of intelligence. I know university professors who have difficulty using toilet paper. Still, I recognise their achievements, but I'd prefer someone more grounded with some common sense.


Like I said days ago, I cannot work out if the boris buffoonery is an act or for real.


Your information regarding the inability of University Professors to use appropriate cleansing materials is fascinating more information please.

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Academic achievement is only one dimension of intelligence. I know university professors who have difficulty using toilet paper. Still, I recognise their achievements, but I'd prefer someone more grounded with some common sense.


Like I said days ago, I cannot work out if the boris buffoonery is an act or for real.


really got to agree with you on that one, i wish i had a £ for every university grad that comes for an interview or work trial that has not the faintest idea about work ethic and common sense, they may be good at logic and remembering loads of things but havent an ounce of common and struggle with simple tasks.

as for Boris and his buffonery i would like to think he is putting on an act but doubt it, having said that it could be a sign of genius? they do say madness is close to genius?

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To be fair to the man you cannot hold his academic achievement against him, he has, edited magazines, appeared in directed and produced TV programmes and has been Mayor of London.


You don't necessarily have to be a son of toil to have the life experiences so many seem to feel are essential.


How many politicians today have practical experience in any walk of life other than politics? Compared to most Boris is well qualified.


I wouldn't support him as PM though, too divisive.

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To be fair to the man you cannot hold his academic achievement against him, he has, edited magazines, appeared in directed and produced TV programmes and has been Mayor of London.



Like I said, I don't. I admire academic achievement, possibly because it's not my forte (I scraped uni... just). I just don't think that alone makes someone intelligent or fit for a job of the people.


---------- Post added 12-08-2014 at 10:31 ----------


I have to ask how you know.
I very nearly did put 'metaphorically' in brackets on the off chance that it was taken literally. But then I thought, no one would take that literally. Once again, I'm surprised ..
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Like I said, I don't. I admire academic achievement, possibly because it's not my forte (I scraped uni... just). I just don't think that alone makes someone intelligent or fit for a job of the people.


---------- Post added 12-08-2014 at 10:31 ----------


I very nearly did put 'metaphorically' in brackets on the off chance that it was taken literally. But then I thought, no one would take that literally. Once again, I'm surprised ..


Dear Friend, like Le Maquis I took it literally, my disappointment knows no bounds.

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I would vote for ANYONE who offered a WATERTIGHT referendum on the disaster that is the Euro/EU.


That even includes the war criminal Bliar. Well, maybe not on second thoughts.



Vote UKIP and you will get your referendum - their platform is OUT!


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