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Boris Johnson for PM

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Give us a referendum on Europe (and get us out of it when the nation votes overwhelmingly in favour of doing so) and make Boris PM then I would seriously reconsider joining the Conservative Party.


I believe that Boris was fiercely critical of the EUs attempts to limit bankers bonuses, and that if British bankers want to scam British people that should be their right! Yay! Good for Boris - championing the rights of us Brits :partyhat:


The Daily Telegraph summed up this perfectly when Boris announced that he was going to seek a constituency to represent:

“This news should warm the heart of every Tory voter. He has proved himself an astute administrator, championing the City and ensuring London’s global standing. As a communicator his gifts are unrivalled.” :hihi:

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Vote UKIP and you will get your referendum - their platform is OUT!



Vote UKIP and you won't get anything because they won't get elected. As far as I know the Tories are offering a referendum so I'll vote for them anf if the win the election I'll vote to get out of the EU.

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Camerons preferred outcome re our membership of the EU is to stay in but on our terms.


I suspect Boris agrees with this, and there is a reason for it, that being in is the common sense solution.


Voting for UKIP is, frankly, silly, it is actually a vote for Labour.


With Cameron you will get your referendum. Before you vote he will, if we elect him, have the power to negotiate from a very strong position, in that the Europeans know if goes to the electorate before the referendum and recommends an "out vote" the British public are likely to back him.


Cameron has handled this very well, it places the Europeans, assuming they want to keep us in, in a position where they have to allow us the concessions so stupidly given away by Blair and the Labour party.


---------- Post added 12-08-2014 at 16:53 ----------


I believe that Boris was fiercely critical of the EUs attempts to limit bankers bonuses, and that if British bankers want to scam British people that should be their right! Yay! Good for Boris - championing the rights of us Brits :partyhat:


The Daily Telegraph summed up this perfectly when Boris announced that he was going to seek a constituency to represent:

“This news should warm the heart of every Tory voter. He has proved himself an astute administrator, championing the City and ensuring London’s global standing. As a communicator his gifts are unrivalled.” :hihi:


Financial services providers, "bankers" if you must are responsible for about 15%of this companies earnings. Blair and Brown (Labour) allowed them to go mad when they were in power and Cameron and Co are slowly bringing them back into line.


Boris, in whose city they prosper whilst paying for your beloved welfare state, is stating an obvious fact, (obvious it is to those whose dogma allows them to think, ) that unless "bankers" receive remuneration appropriate to their worldwide industry they will go elsewhere. If they do, who is going to pay the welfare bill?

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Vote UKIP and you won't get anything because they won't get elected. As far as I know the Tories are offering a referendum so I'll vote for them anf if the win the election I'll vote to get out of the EU.

Sorry to disagree with you roosterboost, but altho0ugh you may be right about them not winning an overall majority, neither will the Tories or Labour (like 2010).

At that time the LibDems held the balance of power, though they wasted it, and will disappear next May.

I am hoping that this time UKIP will hold that balance and their terms are that they will only form a coalition with the party that promises an immediate referendum.

Over 4 million people in May this year can't be all wrong!



---------- Post added 12-08-2014 at 18:11 ----------


Camerons preferred outcome re our membership of the EU is to stay in but on our terms.


Voting for UKIP is, frankly, silly, it is actually a vote for Labour.


With Cameron you will get your referendum. Before you vote he will, if we elect him, have the power to negotiate from a very strong position, in that the Europeans know if goes to the electorate before the referendum and recommends an "out vote" the British public are likely to back him.


Sorry Alan, a couple of things don't "add up" here. Cameron promised a referendum in THIS parliament and went back on his word, and he is now promising a referendum in 2017. No hope, because the EU have told him (two different departments) there will be no negotiation. New regulations come in in November which will make it nearly impossible for renegotiation.

Voting for UKIP "silly" and a vote for Labour - don't think so. Last May, more MEPs than ever before and more councillors then ever before. That's what over 4 million of us voted for.


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Sorry Alan, a couple of things don't "add up" here. Cameron promised a referendum in THIS parliament and went back on his word, and he is now promising a referendum in 2017.


Your understanding of how a coalition works is as bad as some of the Labour supporters on here. If you're hoping UKIP are going to go into a coalition with the Tories you'd best find out how they work so you don't get a shock next year in the unlikely event they actually manage to.


Voting for UKIP "silly" and a vote for Labour - don't think so. Last May, more MEPs than ever before and more councillors then ever before. That's what over 4 million of us voted for.



Good luck explaining to the 4 million about UKIP's planned NHS cuts. ;)

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Your understanding of how a coalition works is as bad as some of the Labour supporters on here. If you're hoping UKIP are going to go into a coalition with the Tories you'd best find out how they work so you don't get a shock next year in the unlikely event they actually manage to.


Reply: Labour 300 seats, Tories 300 seats, UKIP 60 seats (roughly) means neither of the two main parties has an absolute majority and can only operate with the support of UKIP. I've been around 78 years now altus and know how coalitions work!




Good luck explaining to the 4 million about UKIP's planned NHS cuts. ;)


UKIP planning NHS cuts? Where did you get this from? Or have you been privy to see an advance copy of the manifesto which isn't out until September.

All they have advocated so far is that they will restructure it, getting rid of unnecessary management and waste. No mention of "cuts" or, as some Labour and Tory members would have us believe, "selling it off"!


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UKIP planning NHS cuts? Where did you get this from? Or have you been privy to see an advance copy of the manifesto which isn't out until September.

All they have advocated so far is that they will restructure it, getting rid of unnecessary management and waste. No mention of "cuts" or, as some Labour and Tory members would have us believe, "selling it off"!



It's based on what appears to be Nigel's most recent comment about it, which is after he ditched their last manifesto :- Nigel Farage: 'The Tories have failed; only Ukip dares cut spending on NHS and pensions'.

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It's based on what appears to be Nigel's most recent comment about it, which is after he ditched their last manifesto :- Nigel Farage: 'The Tories have failed; only Ukip dares cut spending on NHS and pensions'.

Quite right altus, what I said in my post. NHS cuts by getting rid of excess management and waste. Pensions? I think (until I see the manifesto) it could be stopping this final salary pensions which in my opinion is a disgrace.

I have no doubt everybody would like a final salary pension, but the world isn't like that I'm afraid. I am of an age where all I get is state pension!


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