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Boris Johnson for PM

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According to a recent pole, there have been a huge amount of interest in Boris Johnson becoming the next Prime Minister, I think with David Cameron more or less doomed in the next election and nobody really want to elect the old guard lead by Ed Miliband, I think Boris could do a no worse than anyone else, plus, he is in fact a politician with a genuine personality and his success with the Olympic games could tip the edge in his favour, imagine him in PM Q&As he would have them in stitches, plus he could have an interesting foreign and domestic policy too.


I think he would make an awful PM - he has publically called black people pickaninnies on more than one occasion, and said that people of Liverpool were responsible for the Hillsborough disaster.

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and??? whats wrong with pickaninnies? sounds quite endearing and liverpool people in part did cause it?? he would make a great PM as he doesnt beat about the bush and says it like it is, he is genuine and people genuinely like his manner, i would trust him far more than others.

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Is it only me who thinks of Boris as more of a comic character than an actual serious political figure?


Remember when he fell over in a river? Remember when he got stuck on a zipwire dangling over Downing Street? :hihi:





That sort of thing doesn't seem to do him any harm because it fits in with the persona he's created for himself whereas Neil Kinnock's little tumble on the seashore was adjudged to have done lots of damage perhaps because it was a carefully constructed photo opportunity that didn't go to plan.

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Camerons preferred outcome re our membership of the EU is to stay in but on our terms.


I suspect Boris agrees with this, and there is a reason for it, that being in is the common sense solution.


Voting for UKIP is, frankly, silly, it is actually a vote for Labour.


With Cameron you will get your referendum. Before you vote he will, if we elect him, have the power to negotiate from a very strong position, in that the Europeans know if goes to the electorate before the referendum and recommends an "out vote" the British public are likely to back him.


Cameron has handled this very well, it places the Europeans, assuming they want to keep us in, in a position where they have to allow us the concessions so stupidly given away by Blair and the Labour party.


---------- Post added 12-08-2014 at 16:53 ----------



Financial services providers, "bankers" if you must are responsible for about 15%of this companies earnings. Blair and Brown (Labour) allowed them to go mad when they were in power and Cameron and Co are slowly bringing them back into line.


Boris, in whose city they prosper whilst paying for your beloved welfare state, is stating an obvious fact, (obvious it is to those whose dogma allows them to think, ) that unless "bankers" receive remuneration appropriate to their worldwide industry they will go elsewhere. If they do, who is going to pay the welfare bill?

No a vote for ukip is a vote for ukip,maybe they will get cons votes and allow labour in for another 5yrs but things will change after 2020 when ukip get in.

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  • 2 weeks later...
The only realistic alternative was Ken Livingston. Who would you have chosen?

1. It's a nonsense question, given that I don't live in London.

2. And I've no idea who else was standing.

3. But- given a forced choice between them- I'd opt for Boris Johnson.

(And my last post did not say anything contrary, of course).

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if Boris is the bookies favourite to be the next Tory party leader, then that is not such a good sign for Boris.


because with EVERY Tory party leadership election, whoever has ended up winning it, from Heath to Cameron and everyone else in between, had not been seen as the likeliest heir apparent. If you'd have said Thatcher, Major and Cameron would be the next Tory party leader even three years before they became so, everyone would have thought you were nuts.

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