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Boris Johnson for PM

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I enjoyed watching Eddie Mair on the Marr show this morning getting underneath the buffoonery and watching a very uncomfortable Boris ("please can't we talk about something else") getting skewered by questions about certain issues.

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I've been watching the Boris Johnson documentary- The Irresistible Rise.

What a character he is, as someone said "a wild card".

There is something likeable about him ,and i admire the way he isn't afraid to stand up to David Cameron and speak out against party policies he doesn't agree with.

I wouldn't want him to be PM though.

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Yes funny how he,s beaten your old lefty hero twice for the Mayor of London post!..............very funny that!


It's a funny old world mossdog.


I know!....................but there are some gullible people out there.


More than a few in London it seems.

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Yes he's a complete idiot.


whether you want to vote for Johnson or not, one thing he definitely isn't is stupid. It's just an act he pulls. Pillorying Johnson for allegedly being stupid is part of a long tradition the left tend to have when they want to sock it to right politicians. It made them feel better when they called George W. Bush stupid even though Bush was smart enough to get re-elected. But the best example was Ronald Reagan. Apparently he was supposed to be stupid too. However that didn't stop him from being the President that changed the world more than any other. If that is stupid, then what would he have been like had he been smart.

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There is an excellent article in todays Times about Boris by Hugo Rifkind which is worth a read.


Thing that always intrigues me about Boris is this, is he really this well educated buffoon that he appears to be or is it an act?


If in fact he is a bit of a buffoon then he has no place in serious politics. On the other hand if it's all an act why?

The only reason to maintain an act as consistently as he has is to cover something up, what would that be? Maybe Eddie Mair hit the nail on the head & he is 'a nasty bit of work'.

The thought of him as Prime Minister doesn't exactly fill me with confidence, he'd probably say something that he thought was amusing in Latin & start a War.

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