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Supermarket labelling: Why are 'cooking' instructions, 'ingredients SMALL!

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Do you buy ground beef?


'87% lean'.


Or 13% of what you're paying money for is fat.


I'm a diabetic and although I can eat anything - there's always a 'payback'.


It really bugs me when I pick up an item in the supermarket and find that it is loaded with (totally unnecessary) sugars or fats.


Which is why I tend to cook 'from scratch'.


Gotta have some fat in ground beef to make a good burger

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It's not so much the type size that gets me (as we can all use optical aids), but the choice of font and the default letterspacing, plus, quite often, a naff choice of colours - black type on a red background? No! No! No! Form should follow function.


I agree with the colours too. I can't see anything with black on red, or red on black, as I'm colour blind, and some colours I simply cannot see. It drives me nuts!


Very often you get these colour mixes on DVD outside covers too!

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I have been known to go to the supermarket website, look the product up and then see if they've been obliging enough to put the cooking instructions up as well as all the ingredients. If they haven't then I've been known to complain and not just to the shop. I agree totally about the colour of print and the background colour, light green on a mid green background was somewhat less than useless and so then the manufacturer may very well get a polite bit of feedback from me as well.

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I have been known to go to the supermarket website, look the product up and then see if they've been obliging enough to put the cooking instructions up as well as all the ingredients. If they haven't then I've been known to complain and not just to the shop. I agree totally about the colour of print and the background colour, light green on a mid green background was somewhat less than useless and so then the manufacturer may very well get a polite bit of feedback from me as well.


Toddling off to the website is all very well, but that's a bit tricky if you're in the supermarket and left your glasses in the car, or worse at home! :(

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I have a small magnifying glass in my bag....it was only a little one out of a Cracker one year, but it does the job. What I really hate is when they put cooking instructions ie. times and tempretures, if it can be cooked from frozen, that kind of thing, INSIDE the packet. Then you have to open it before you can start cooking and you might have left it too late.

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I have a small magnifying glass in my bag....it was only a little one out of a Cracker one year, but it does the job. What I really hate is when they put cooking instructions ie. times and tempretures, if it can be cooked from frozen, that kind of thing, INSIDE the packet. Then you have to open it before you can start cooking and you might have left it too late.


That's just the point Joan. We shouldn't 'have' to carry magnifying glasses about with us. Of course I'm not suggesting that the print should be enormous, but at least something approaching readable, in colours that can be read by colour blind folk. I've got a jewellers loupe which I could carry about with me, so I could theoretically read anything that was even microscopic, but it's a real pest to always have to be prepared (dib dib dib :hihi:).

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