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Fancy a kickabout?

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Hi Everybody,


I'm going to start running footie sessions for all, for fun and fitness basically.


It may be that you've been out injured and need to ease yourself back to fitness or simply that you need to lose a bit of weight. Whatever your reason, the main aim of these sessions is to put the fun back into football.


The sessions will run on a Saturday morning initally, but could be flexible should the demand be greater for a different day, and will last for around an hour. 5-aside, penalty comps, 1 man wembley and headers and volleys will all be part of the sessions plus more.


These sessions are obviously designed to put the enjoyment back into football and will last for around an hour. They will also be affordable sessions, at only £3.50 per man.


If anyones interested contact me via email: RedRev@gmx.co.uk

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