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Yorkshire beating Australia in medals table

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does this include if we consider each separate region of china and the US?


gotta love statistics manipulation?



Yorkshire DO have more medals than Australia. That is not manipulating statistics as it happens to be a fact.

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Yorkshire DO have more medals than Australia. That is not manipulating statistics as it happens to be a fact.


Yorkshire do have more medals than austrailia but it is manipulating statistics because you said yorkshire would be 11th. That only works with severe manipulation. i.e. taking yorkshire as a single "country" but no doing the same with the countries within the USA.

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Yorkshire do have more medals than austrailia but it is manipulating statistics because you said yorkshire would be 11th. That only works with severe manipulation. i.e. taking yorkshire as a single "country" but no doing the same with the countries within the USA.


No. I did not say that they would be 11th. Someone else said that!:)

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Yorkshire would be beating the Australians by an even greater margin if Anna Meares had not cheated Victoria Pendleton out of the gold medal in cycling.


But weren't half the medals you are claiming for Yorkshire won by athletes from other parts of the country?

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