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How much longer does Clegg have.

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Don't know how much longer Clegg has, but he should have gone in 2010 IMO.


I can totally relate to this video, too.


Of course WRT the first video, there's an important distinction to be made between a conservative government and a coalition one.


IIRC, the talk at the time in 2008 was if Cameron won outright, he might invite other parties into the cabinet to form a government in the national interest, since we were, and are still, facing the worst crisis to hit the country since WWII.


Still, then as now, Labour and their supporters preffer to stick to slinging mud instead of coming up with any solutions.

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@ biotechpete, whilst most people would agree with your masterly analysis of the situation, you're overlooking the obvious. Labour voters don't vote with their heads, or even with their hearts, they're brainwashed into their default position.


It wouldn't matter to the majority of Labour inclined people who was the party leader, what their policies are, or what their past success rate has been, they will still vote for them. And it's not just Sheffield, the same applies to all of the Northern Mets and many of the London Boroughs.

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@ biotechpete, whilst most people would agree with your masterly analysis of the situation, you're overlooking the obvious. Labour voters don't vote with their heads, or even with their hearts, they're brainwashed into their default position.


It wouldn't matter to the majority of Labour inclined people who was the party leader, what their policies are, or what their past success rate has been, they will still vote for them. And it's not just Sheffield, the same applies to all of the Northern Mets and many of the London Boroughs.


Well yes there is that, but those same Labour voters also tend to be pretty lazy when it comes to voting, and those places have always been Labour, they're not the constituencies the Lib Dems will need to win/keep.


Don't get me wrong, I've all but lost hope for Sheffield, but it's already Labour here, except for Hallam. I'll eat my hat if Labour win there. Clegg needs a good showing in the more marginal seats and I still think they're biggest threat comes from the Tories nationally. I haven't seen anything that suggests a Labour comeback, or that people are desperate for more big government tax and spend. When it comes to it, you tell people it comes to a choice between paying more tax or cuts to goverment, they'll pick cuts any day of the week.


Labour's trick at the moment seems to be trying to convince people that their economic record was actually fine and there really isn't a problem with the defecit and we can all get back to normal. There aren't many outside Labour's core vote actually falling for that...I hope!

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Personally I think think anyone who would vote for the 2.5 main parties are clearly displaying a lack of reasoning ability - these organisations have proven themselves to have little regard for anything but their own self interest even at the expense of their own nation.

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Personally I think think anyone who would vote for the 2.5 main parties are clearly displaying a lack of reasoning ability - these organisations have proven themselves to have little regard for anything but their own self interest even at the expense of their own nation.

What's noticeable is how few of their MPs has ever had a real job (employee) or even been a small-business proprietor (employer).

Most of the new intake are merely career politicians with minimal experience of the real world.

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Nick Clegg is likely to remain leader and enter a coalition with Labour in 2015, so I reckon hes got another 8 years.


Can see the Lib Dems switching sides over and over again, and it wouldn't suprise me if they went into partnership with UKip at some point in the next 20 years.


The Tories will win the next election hands down.

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